Rolling his eyes, Jötz sighed and nodded. He wasn't sure exactly how much she had absorbed of what he had been saying, if anything, although it was clear Ivy had at least gotten the general gist. Jaegers generally weren't classified by society as minion material, but it was clear that she was going to need [i]someone[/i] to serve as a substitute until other arrangements could be made. It did give him some encouragement that she had moved closer towards him. There was a slight flutter in his reconstructed heart at her proximately, but he told himself it was only the desire for self-preservation flinching at how close the Spark was to him. How much longer, he wondered, before he woke up to find her experimenting on him? "Goot." Jötz nodded as though unsure as to what he had exactly agreed with. "Goot. Den lets find a vay out of here, eh? Ja." The Jaeger began to explore their surroundings, examining the walls and looking for exits. Going back up was out of the question; not only was it just a few feet too far, the edges of the hole they had plunged through looked unstable and crumbling. Trying to grab the lip of the sinkhole would just result in another fall with more debris falling on top of them. There was, however, a passage in the most shadowed of the corners. It lead downwards into the underground heart of the swamp and yet remained curiously dry! Jötz could spy no ornamentation on the walls, no decoration of any kind, and so could only conclude that wherever they were it had once served a more utilitarian purpose. He looked back into the large room they had fallen into. A store room or warehouse of some sort, one left empty? Another passage way that looked as though it, too, might slope off into the depths was on the far side of the chamber, but time and gravity had collapsed it. So only one viable way of escape. Jötz walked back towards Ivy, gesturing back over his shoulder at the hallway. "Zo, only vun vay, Mizz Ivy. Down der. Can't see much mit out a light or zometing, but I can smell vater down der. Fresh water, running, like a stream or zome such." He shook his furry head, fangs in a frown. "Never seen anyting like dis, doh. Not outsides of a city! Der ist heavy scratch marks on da floor, like dey dragged heavy tings tru here. Maybe... maybe zome kind of docks?" He hesitated for a moment, before surrendering to the inevitable. They would need to see down there, the darkness so thick that even his Jaeger sight would be useless. "Zo... got a light?"