She felt a nudge, waking up quickly. She jumped up, her hair whipping back and began staring at the strange man, fear rushed into her eyes. He looked sort of threatening, but he hadn't hurt her. She took a defensive pose but her legs were trembling, what was she gonna do fight him? He had a boar thrown over his shoulder, surely he could bring her down quickly. She took a step back and tripped on her blanket which was on the ground behind her. She winced as she landed than began to cry, she didn't want to die like this. She wanted to save her sister, it was all that mattered to her. She looked up at him tears forming in her crystal blue eyes. She suddenly felt the sides of her head, her ears were still in her hair and she gasped a sigh of relief, than remembered she was still begging for her life. She felt the sudden presence of another, and wasn't sure where it was coming from. She look at the man in front of her. "Please, don't hurt me, I don't wanna die yet." She begged him. She was slightly soar from falling.