Arthur set the book he was reading down to look out of the window; it was day outside, which meant he had been reading through the night again. When you’re dead and have no need for sleep though, there’s not much you can do to pass time at night, other than haunting and terrorizing the living. The latter option was a bit stretched nowadays with the humans hunting down mythical beings because they were “abominations”. Sighing deeply, Arthur marked his place in the book he had been reading and left it on the small table next to the armchair he had been “sitting” in. He got up from the chair, floating a few inches off of the ground and looked around at his library, admiring his collection, most of which was provided by the Engineers; they had even gone so far as to locate and restore the collection of books he had had in life. He left the library and came out on to a staircase that spiraled downward. Arthur made his way down to the entrance hall, passing bare stone walls, the only thing to break the monotony of the slate grey walls was the occasional alcove with a dusty and coppery candelabra with sputtering candles to provide small orbs of yellow light here and there on the staircase. The staircase ended in a small entrance hall with a heavy wooden door that led outside, but instead of drifting toward that door, Arthur drifted to a wall just under the staircase and phased right through it and came out over a large pit with a faint light at the bottom. Arthur drifted downward until he came to the bottom of the pit, which was actually a lab, for lack of better words. There were herbs, mortar and pestles, scrolls, and spellbooks of all sorts spread out over many tables. This hidden room was where he continued the practice of his dark arts. He kept it hidden no only out of habit, but out of the want of privacy as well. He didn’t want just anyone to barge into his work space. He was grateful to the Engineers for building this hidden lab of his in the stone tower they filled with books for him as well in the city they built for others such as him. He appreciated it, but he hated feeling as if he was in their debt and didn’t know how to break this feeling of his; perhaps that’s why the Engineers built this city for the mythical beings, to have them be in their debt and use that debt to have the Voldoans do whatever they asked of them. This was why he delved as far as he could and tried to find out as much as possible about the Engineers. He wanted to know why they would just build an entire city for the mythical beings being hunted by the humans and just let them live there under the protection of their spells and the Flesh Golems, especially when the Engineers were human themselves. Arthur drifted over to one of the many tables in the hidden lab and peered down at the work he left there; there were scrolls held open with heavy books and stones with strange writings on them. He hovered there and studied the scroll for a while before he grabbed a nearby pen and a piece of parchment that was already halfway filled with writing and went back to his work of translating this scroll that could hold some old truth of magic.