[b][u]The Eternal War[/u] The Battle of Fairlake City[/b] [b]Status:[/b] OPEN [hider=Premise] [b]General Idea[/b] The premise is a modern world, almost the same as ours. However, reincarnation is a fact of life...for the worst of the worst. In this world, those who commit vile and major crimes against humanity are reincarnated. They’re given a second chance—sometimes a third and fourth and sometimes that second chance can span multiple lives. These human beings are typically called paladins. Paladins (in general) believe they’re reincarnated in order to right the wrongs of the past, and they use their power to protect others. That power manifests itself in two ways: 1) the paladin is in peak human condition. They rival Olympic gold medalists in strength, speed, and agility and they’re exceptionally healthy. You'll rarely ever find a paladin with the common cold or even cancer, for example. 2) Many paladins—though not all—have a superhuman ability in addition. This could be as simple as having super strength as opposed to peak human strength or as powerful as telekinesis. Some, of course, choose to use that power to continue their evil. When they do so, these beings are called shades. Shades (in general) believe that they’re reincarnated not to protect humanity, but to continue punishing it. This is backed by the fact that should a shade continue his evil, he is reincarnated yet again whereas the cycle will end for paladins who do good. Paladins generally believe that this means there is a metaphysical life-after-death, and it’s reserved for those who have redeemed themselves; shades tend to be more doubtful about the afterlife and embrace life as they know it. Many paladins and shades—though mostly paladins—tend to deal with psychological issues that manifest as depression and insomnia. Typically, they learn of their past lives through dreams. However, it’s seen as strength to simply know your past, to remember it. At the other end of the spectrum of inner strength, it’s seen as a weakness to not be able to recall the past at all. [b]Details / Clarification[/b] "Vile and major crimes" is defined as anything that puts another human or humans in serious harm. For example, someone like Jack the Ripper or Hitler would be definitely be reincarnated. Or even maybe someone who murdered their spouse. A serial rapist. Really, anything that you find cringe worthy. Their gender and appearance changes between lifetimes. The body they get is decided by genetics of their birth parents in terms of appearance. However, if their death was particularly violent, the killing blow might appear as a birthmark in the new life. So, if your character was a big, muscular, bear like guy who was executed by firing squad in his first life, there's a chance he'll be a dainty little girl with red marks over her chest in the following life. Personality between life times is a wild card. If a paladin or shade really [i]knows[/i] his previous life or lives and memories in a way you're aware of your own life, his personality might not be too different. On the other hand, if a paladin or shade is the type who can't remember his previous life or lives at all no matter how hard he tries, his personality will probably be influenced more by the world around him. Regardless, paladins and shades have lived life on Earth before. Almost all of them are intuitive if not bored with life as it is. On top of this, sexuality can be influenced by previous lives as well as current ones, which means being straight isn't necessarily the majority within the paladin community. Basically, there is a lot of room for creative expression here. Take advantage! [/hider] [hider=Setting] [b]The City of Fairlake[/b] True to its name, the modern city of Fairlake sits on a lake--a nasty and polluted lake that was fair only once upon a time. It's an American city with tall skyscrapers and buildings that are slowly falling apart. Residential apartments sit within the city and residential homes just on the outskirts. It's population is diverse with racial minorities easily making up the majority. [b]Points of Interest[/b] Fairlake Central Park: a lovely park if you don't mind dying trees. Fairlake Beach: the beach faces west so couples can watch the sun set--if they don't mind the sickly green water, dead fish, dead birds, litter, and the group of men in the middle of a drug deal right over there. The Drunken Dragon: a bar found in the worst part of town. Also one of the few global hotspots for paladins. A normal human will be ignorant to its value. A paladin will use the network to his advantage. A shade will stay away unless he has a death wish (or a clever plan). If anyone would like to play the owner of the Drunken Dragon, s/he will most likely be a plain old human who's aware of paladins/shades or a paladin. If you have any ideas of places you'd like to see in Fairlake, feel free to make a suggestion. [/hider] [hider=Plot] Plot credit goes primarily to El_Tigre, VarionusNW, and Sylverblu. The city of Fairlake's crime rates have always been scary high. Almost no one walks the streets after dark, much less alone. Those who do have been lucky to get away missing only a wallet. Parks and playgrounds are always empty save for suspicious thugs. The city is poor and underfunded, so there aren't enough police officers to push back the criminals. Hell, with so little money being made, even much of the law enforcement is crooked. However, over the last couple years, that crime rate has slowly been declining. First, it was just one paladin. But, boy, s/he couldn't do it alone. Eventually it was two...then three...And now, there's a budding community of paladins within Fairlake and they're slowly--but surely--working together to protect the people. It's easier to keep their abilities hidden than it is in most other places, as well, since the locals find it safer to stay inside while they do business. Safer streets, though, are incentive for the normals--curious and otherwise--to begin exploring their city... While most people look upon a decline in crime with gratitude, a darker force sees a problem: shades. Many have seen these miracle-like patterns before--some over multiple life spans. And, quite frankly, they've been targeted by the do-gooders far too long--and very rarely actually killed. More like subdued and imprisoned, forced to rot away so their evil can't start again for at least another generation. Well, paladins aren't the only ones who can band together for a common goal. Outside of Fairlake, it took just one shade to counter that single paladin. S/he sought out other shades, offering revenge and safety: if shades could ban together and kill this growing nest of paladins, the world would would become increasingly easier to "discipline." Now that many shades are in on the action, they're ready to strike. However, unlike paladins, shades have a harder time working together. So, an organized attack just won't happen--but shades will still go about the destruction of paladins. Some might blend into the city as paladins at first, only to stab friends made in the back. Others might try to persuade paladins to "switch sides;" the life of a paladin isn't an easy one, after all. Many will simply prey on the weak to draw out the paladins or find the target themselves. Crime rates in Fairlake will be on the rise yet again. Will the paladins persevere and stop the evil? Or will shades come out on top? [/hider] [b]Rules[/b] [indent]• Co-GMs are caliban22, El_Tigre, and VarionusNW. Respect their authority. Please and thank you. • This is casual. That means decent spelling and grammar, and I expect at least one or two paragraphs per post. • Once the IC starts, let everyone post an intro before posting again. After that, it'll be more free form--but do try not to leave anyone behind. • If you lose interest, have writer's block, are going on vacation, or are busy with anything that'll prevent you from posting IC for a large amount of time, let us know in the OOC so we're not waiting and waiting on your post. • You can play a paladin, shade, or regular old human. • You can play as many characters as you can handle. • Exercise common sense, please. Don't make me call you out for an unbalanced character or anything like that. Please. • Any questions? Ask myself or a GM either right here or via PM. [/indent] [hider=CS for Paladins and Shades] [b]Name:[/b] Include nicknames or aliases here. [b]Gender:[/b] Self explanatory, I hope. [b]Age:[/b] Ideally, 18+. However, if you can justify using a younger character with back story, go for it. [b]Alignment:[/b] Paladin or Shade. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture and/or solid description. [b]Personality:[/b] Try to hit at least a small paragraph here. Include the good and the bad. What are their strengths and weaknesses? [b]Power:[/b] Again, if they have one. Not all shades/paladins do, so don't feel obligated if you can't think of anything. If you do include one, describe how it works and any weaknesses it might have. [b]Weapons:[/b] Does your character carry any weapons? [b]History:[/b] History of their current life. Did they just know they were reincarnated or did it take time? Was another paladin or shade around to show them the ropes? Or did they have to figure everything out for themselves? [b]Brief history of previous life/lives:[/b] You have options here. You can totally make this up. You can leave it TBR, especially if your paladin/shade doesn't remember it anyway. You can use a historical figure such as the Zodiac killer. Again, lots of creative freedom. [/hider] [hider=CS for Humans] [b]Name:[/b] Include nicknames or aliases here. [b]Gender:[/b] Self explanatory, I hope. [b]Age:[/b] Doesn't necessarily have to be 18+ like paladins/shades. This can be anyone within the city if you can make them contribute to the RP well enough. [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture and/or solid description. [b]Personality:[/b] Try to hit at least a small paragraph here. Include the good and the bad. What are their strengths and weaknesses? [b]Weapons:[/b] Does your character carry any weapons? [b]History:[/b] History of their current life. [/hider] [hider=Characters/Spots] Characters will be listed alphabetically and linked to their CS post. VarionusNW has a claim on the "starter shade" (the shade who initiated the war). The "starter paladin" is up for grabs if anyone wants it. [/hider]