[i]9:00 PM...[/i] A crisp breeze rolled over the sand, blowing particles into the night air, nights here were always cold here in contrast to the day time's heat that baked the small town of Paradise. A small church sat on the edge of town facing into the darkness of the night, the town built this church here because they thought it may ward away any unnatural things that would attempt to enter their helpless town, they were wrong. [b]*creek...creek...*[/b] the sound of heavy boots weighing down aged wood rang throughout the small chapel, there Cyrus White paced, in anticipation of the arrival of his new guests. The older man spoke short bible verses to himself as he wandered around the wooden house of God, with its unpainted wooden walls and hastily cut out windows. Cyrus approached the front of the church, he stepped upon the raised platform where the podium sat, he had been giving sermons here for many years. Cyrus sat himself down on the platform, he gave a deep exhale as he rested his worn bones. There he waited in silence for his guests to arrive, some he already knew, residents of Paradise, including the closest thing he had to kin left, Eliza. He didn't much like the thought of putting someone who was essentially family in harms way, especially after the trauma of seeing his family killed, but he knew that she was just as good a hunter as him if not better. Cyrus often thought about what happened to his family, and he didn't favor having those wounds opened again. Cyrus stood from the platform, his stout body made the floor warp as he did, he walked over to a bench that rested on the front wall of the church, he opened it and pulled out a bottle of wine he had been storing for some time, he figured a light drink would help with his nerves, with a shaky hand he poured the wine into a glass he had also pulled out. Cyrus tilted his head back and took the wine down with one big gulp. He sighed, putting away the wine with a slightly steadier hand, he returned to his pacing, he returned to his [i]waiting...[/i]