As far as Thalos was concerned, she was here along for the ride. The fact that a talking suit of power armor was giving her orders didn't really phase her. What did worry her was the possible conflict between the others and this self selected leader, that would be worse than a mere fuck up. The AI didn't give the team a chance to bond, and that, right now, is the bigger threat. Just as casually as she walked off the shuttle, she walked into the room, listening to the rest of the team discuss their ideas as to how they can take care of the [i]bad guy[/i]. And she decided to pitch in. "If you need the target's panel opened quickly, I can shoot the weak point. And trust me, I hit 100% of the time. And right after his face plate opens, I can blast his head off. But I'm sure you have your own ideas. But whichever plan you all choose, we will get detected..." She shruged. "Just tell me where you need me."