Guardsman Ano crooked his head to the left, eyeing up the other two Guardsmen who were stood at their posts outside room 29. He had had his head pressed against the layered metal panel wall that separated them from 28, and had noticed… unusual anomalies. “I can hear voices,” he remarked after a moment of contemplation. “So? There are men stationed in there” one of the others announced rather condescendingly. “I can’t quite make it out, but… I can hear a female? I think, anyway. That or it’s a child. it’s hard to tell with these fucking walls.” “Well, you know what those two are like. Their crude ass impersonations don’t fool anyone,” “And something far from human. Like, that can’t be a human voice. That’s disgusting, it sounds like a bug,” he recoiled once more from the wall, playing with the idea of pressing up against it once again to ascertain and discern more information. He immediately beckoned his somewhat skeptical squad-mates to join him in trying to listen in to the muffled voices through the heavy walls. This was only possible due to the slight sensory augmentation of their helmets; it wasn’t a big bonus, but every little helped. Cautiously, one of the others also put his head to the wall, and the tone changed immediately. To him, it was no longer a joke. “Intruders?” he gasped. “No way to tell.” “We could just go in and look? “And then what? We get ourselves killed. If there are intruders in there, those two guardsmen are worm food.” The second guard pondered for a second, his brain ticking over as many solutions to the situation at hand that he could think of. Finally, he announced: “Let’s just check in the the two guardsmen via radio. Just hope to god that they answer, okay?” The first nodded, and gave the third a signal to access the radios of the two (dead and hanging) guards in 28. “Come in 28-2-K. This is 29-3-K, report in any discrepancies on your end to the data flow. I think we may have been hit by a minor blunt object, most likely an asteroid. Over” In room 28, the radios flared to life, transmitting the message for all Ephemeral to hear.