His eyes travel over the once more golden locks flowing from the prince’s scalp, his gaze flickering over to the wig dancing in the breeze for only an instant before all of his attention returns to you golden haired male. The renewed energy racing through his body most definitely giving the young man a different feel from when they had been passing through town. A laugh issues from the young noble and Rei's head remains tilted as he falls back on to the grass. [i]'I have heard people call things 'creepy' before, however this place, full of death, is far more familiar to me than even my own home back in the village. I know this makes me even more different from my kin, and from humans as well'[/i] Rei pauses his thinking, knowing there really isn't anything to be gained from thinking about such things. He focuses on his work, as he always has. And right now, his work is a young man. A young man lay sprawled out on the grass growing over his ancestors, dotted by simple but beautiful flowers. His sun kisses main spreads out beneath him and Rei once more recalls what many said about the prince when he was gathering information for the assassination. He had not been sure to expect blonde locks or black, the stories running through town split pretty evenly down the middle, but somehow, no matter how well the wig was made, Rei still feels that the yellow flowing tresses far better suit the young man. [i]'My work relies on truths, and the gathering of facts so that my task becomes easier rather than more difficult, as false information is sure to do. The truth of his hair color is no different I suppose. It is his honest self, and it is in my nature to seek out the truth'[/i] His gaze remains fixed on the taller male as he takes a place on a tall stone. The prince lay before him, and beyond, the horses stand tethered. The wind catches him, threatening to throw off his balance. However, he is in no real danger of such things, his body shifting automatically to counter the pressing force of the mid morning gust. He listens to the man speak, eventually rolling over to look at him. Rei blinks slowly, his gaze unwavering. He takes in what Alessandro has to say, his thoughts tumbling over and over the ideas and notions of the prince, matching them against his own opinions and the things he's read in books. He tends to shy a bit away from history books, but he has read quite a number. For some reason the boy's words make him think back to all the revolutions among humans over the ages and he can not quite reconcile the prince's opinions. He s still tumbling over all the information when the young male sits up and addresses him directly. He blinks, tilts his head, and lets out a slow breath. Sliding down gently off the stone he locks his gaze with his ward's, leaning back against the stone. “I have grown accustomed to being underground, as needed, however it is against my nature to be surrounded by rock, stone, and earth. So, if you are inquiring as to which I would rather, then the river would be best. However if you wish to go into the mounds, that is your choice to make, and will follow.” Once the prince makes his decision Rei pushes off of the stone and follows. After a minute, he finds the words to respond to the young man's earlier statements about present life. “Every being is expected to fit a mold, no matter what station they are born into, whether they be king or slave. All other things are relative to each person's life experiences.” He looks to the young man beside his briefly before looking forward once more. “To most of my kind, my life as I have lived it, is their version of the under fires. They could think of nothing worse, and would not trade lives with me for anything. While I on the other hand have seen what they have, and have no envy of their lives either. I would think that even most humans would find my. . . . . .Mold, distasteful and frightening. However, those I grew up with, fit that mold well, and were content as they were. Many were born into their jobs, and raised as I was, and like you, were expected to become what they became, death coming to those who did not conform.” Reaching down Rei pulls up his left sleeve slightly, revealing a long thick white scar running of the back of his lower arm from wrist to elbow. He gazes up into the prince's eyes. “I am a commoner, and this. . . .This is for letting down my guard during a mission. I was no caught, and the mission went off without a hitch, however the man who raised me closest saw me turn my gaze away from where it should have been once, and this became my reminder to never do it again.” His arm has several other scars on it, but that one is the biggest. Pulling his sleeve down he buttons it once more. “You may be in a station you feel yourself unsuited for, however I would think it unwise to envy that which you know not the full expanse of the experience. I may fall under a different branch of the commoner tree than you were thinking of, however, thinking something is easy just because of how it seems to your eyes from the outside, is foolish.” The fae falls silent, knowing very well that he may have offended the young noble, but fully willing to take whatever repercussions would come from speaking his mind in such a way. He is unsure of what inspired him to speak out in such length, but he will stick to his word now that they have been said. [i]'Perhaps it is his willingness to listen. None of my people really wish to hear from me, however this young human has never turned away or asked me to stop. He. . . .Listens. . . .'[/i]