Louis the Realtor smiled from ear to ear as the two girls decided to take the house together. Charlie smiled as well as Mira decided to take a leap of faith and trust that a complete stranger off the street could be a good roommate. As Louis got the papers together, Charlie took out her checkbook as well and started to fill it out. As she wrote out her check, she glanced up at Mira and couldn't help but feel a little giddy on the inside. Not only was she about to leave that pathetic excuse of a living situation but the woman she was going to live with was extremely good looking. Charlie had always been attracted to females but never actually had a girlfriend before. As Mira looked back up at her, she quickly looked down at her checkbook and blushed a little red in her cheeks and ears. She then cleared her throat and handed Louis the check from her and smiled as she took the pen from her. She quickly looked over the agreement forms and signed the places that needed to be signed. "Looks like you're stuck with me for at least a year, Mira." she teased as she signed the last bit of paper. "Very good, ladies. You are free to move in anytime. Congratulations and welcome home." Louis said as she handed both girls a key to the house. After a few more minutes of chit chatting between the three ladies, Louis gathered her belongings and was out of the door. Charlie folded her arms together and awkwardly looked at Mira. She cleared her throat again and looked around at the now empty house. She knew that eventually it wouldn't be empty and awkward. She started to envision the living room with furniture and pictures all over. She was determined to make it look home like. She looked at Mira. "Do you have a lot of things to move in? It'll take me a few trips to get all of my belongings. I never really had a lot of room before so I am used to travelling light."