Based off of the rather aggressive PMing I've gotten from Parser, I'm thinking your group may not be a particularly good fit for this thread. I appreciate your interest, but given the exchange, I don't see this working particularly well. I'm not appreciating the continued aggression. I'm looking for something more on the edge of High-Casual, which does address these specific details. I do think it is rather silly that commentary that your weapon wouldn't be effective in the currently established tech is causing so much contention. Especially consider adopting simply the text identifying it as an EDB would have remedied this. I'm flexible in customization and incorporation of different technologies, providing they have some kind of rationale basis/explanation, but generic sword for a mech isn't going to 'cut' it as effective on this thread. This is likely my fault for not providing a good example of a customized kensai for people to base their work off of, but I've currently been busy with some things in real life, as well as other projects so I haven't had time to do my personal customized kensai.