"That's fine," He said as she motioned to her suitcase. It was tight, sure, but it would need to work. The attendant took the woman's order and was off again. Then the woman--or Anne now--began to read again. [i]"Not a problem."[/i] He thought, as he pulled out his computer. A silent train ride sounded perfectly fine. He'd rather deal with something like this any day. He reached into his bag and pulled out his Mac; plugging it into the wall outlet behind him. He silently noted they would need to share the outlet at one point so he remembered to not hog it the entire time. Luckily, the train had wi-fi, so in a few minutes he was checking his emails. Just a few were new; one from Mr. Cobb, with a large and comprehensive list of suggestions and schools in California. Aaron largely skipped that one and read on; another email containing more aspects of his parents' combined will that he wouldn't be bothered to read until he could control himself. With a slight jerk, the train left the station, and the intercom system cut on. A cheery-voiced attendant went on and on; thanking everyone for choosing the train line, saying how dinner was coming to be served momentarily, and that the lounge and food cars were now open, among lots of other things. Eventually she finished, and Aaron took the chance to step out to the restroom. The seats were so close he couldn't help but brush into Anne on his way out. "Excuse me," He half-said-half mumbled. He made his way to the restroom. --- Aaron washed his hands and made it back to his seat, just as the attendant was bringing food to the roomette across from his. He slid back in, excused himself as he brushed against Anne once again, and sat down; silently pulling the table down for the meal.