"A very apt impersonation, Miss Alsia. You have many talents," Dying Star murmured as it flitted over to the door leading to room 29. Its own voice had slid down several registers to the rough baritone of guard 28-2-k. "I recommend, Master Alexis, that you do as the lady says and hang the second corpse in a less conspicuous location. If you could also have your drone tap into the facility communications network as you mentioned, I would be much obliged to you." "Now, my friends, a moment of silence for the brave guards of room 29," it whispered, warping and expanding into a towering, transparent haze that arched over the doorway like an ominous cloud. "Hide yourselves and allow them to fully enter this room before you begin your work. We wouldn't want to disturb the rest of the guards prematurely. No screams this time."