Well, hello there. Thanks for taking the time out to look at this thread. Hopefully you'll see something you're interested in. as for myself, I am Flamelord, college junior, living in the good old USA. Interests are writing, sci fi, music, stuff like that. I can play males and females, though forgive me if I am less than stellar in the second Now then, expectations and stuff. I expect a decent handling of grammar, at least to the point where you can write something legible with correct punctuation. A few errors i can ignore, but don't let it get too crazy. No requirements on length, so long as you give me something I can respond to. I'm a pretty laid back guy, I like to think, so as long as you don't take forever in responding, we'll be cool. OOC chat is welcome, just respect me as a person, and I'll do the same to you. I am also comfortable playing via either thread or private conversation. I am comfortable with M rated material for the most part, as long as it doesn't get to crazy. I'll let you know if we hit that point in the course of an RP though. Now then, ideas. First off, fandoms. This is by no means a complete list of everything I know, but rather things I'm more comfortable in doing an RP in, so if there's something else you don't see, ask and I may be able to accommodate. Canons or OC's are both welcome, though I will admit a particular leaning for canon characters. But that's just me [*]Avatar: TLA and Korra[/*] [*]Attack on Titan[/*] [*]Aldnoah.zero[/*] [*]Dr. Who[/*] [*]Final Fantasy (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, and Tactics Advance)[/*] [*]Gundam: 0079, Zeta, Double Zeta, Char's Counterattack, F91, Victory, Unicorn, Turn A, SEED, SeeD Destiny[/*] [*]Halo[/*] [*]Kill la Kill[/*] [*]Kingdom Hearts (2, Chain of Memories)[/*] [*]Last Exile[/*] [*]Legend of Zelda[/*] [*]Metroid[/*] [*]Person of Interest[/*] [*]Puella Magi Madoka Magicka[/*] [*]Revolutionary Girl Utena[/*] [*]RWBY[/*] [*] Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers [/*] [*]Stargate[/*] [*]Star Ocean: Till the End of Time[/*] [*]Sword Art Online 1/2[/*] [*]Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann[/*] [i]And more....[/i] Now then, original pairings and stuff. Less of these readily available, but I'm always open to brainstorming. Hit me up with an idea, and if I like it, we can try and make it happen. [*]Assassin x Target[/*] [*]Steampunk[/*] [*]Cyberpunk[/*] [*]Alternate History[/*] [*]Space warfare[/*] [*]Royalty, in some fashion[/*] [*]Dragon x Human[/*] Like I said, not amazing. Well, that about wraps this up. Expect edits from time to time, and other than that, if I have caught your interest then I hope to hear from you soon.