[B]Name:[/B] Finrohir [B]Race:[/B] Unique [B]Gender:[/B] None, referred to as male [B]Age:[/B] Ageless [B]Height:[/B] 12’ [B]Weight:[/B] 4400 lbs [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/252/5/6/guardian_by_yinyuming-d6lqirb.jpg] (Minus the armor) [B]Personality:[/B] Finrohir is defined most of all by his love for the wild and his duty to protect it. He will oppose anyone who threatens the balance of nature, but won’t kill them unless left no other choice, as he believes that even their life is valuable. That pacifism doesn’t apply to undead and other unnatural life forms, however. Occasionally, a different part of him shines through, the part that is like a curious child. Although he was born with a fully developed brain, his lack of life experience makes him more naive than most. [B][U]Abilities and powers[/U][/B] Physical abilities – Finrohir can deadlift his own body weight and sprint at 50 mph for a long time before tiring. Due to the large claws on his feet, he has great maneuverability even when running at high speeds. The claws can also dig into vertical surfaces to effectively climb, provided the surface is strong enough to hold his weight. His skin has the consistency of tough leather and his bones are exceptionally sturdy, requiring three times as much force to break as a human’s bones, if a human's bones were as thick as his. His tail is 1.5 times as powerful as one of his arms and the spiked knob at the end is made of bone. His sense of smell is many times stronger than that of a human, closer to that of a dog. When wounded, he will heal at about 10 times the rate of a human. He is immune to most natural poisons, but not to artificial or magical ones. Animal affinity – Due to his origin, Finrohir has an innate affinity with most natural fauna. Even the most aggressive or territorial of animals tend to recognize him as an ally at first sight. He can mimic the sound of any animal and produce a wide variety of pheromones, allowing him to communicate with any natural animal from his world. Force of Nature – Through a vocal command, Finrohir can awaken the dormant powers of nature and turn the surrounding flora against his enemies. Roots will come up to snare their feet, small branches and vines will attempt to entangle them and large branches will strike out at them like a flailing beast. Through touch, he can channel energy into a tree, a process that takes several seconds, to turn it into a treant that will uproot and fight alongside him. Doing this is a large energy drain. The largest tree he can currently animate is about 50 feet tall (depending on its width and shape), the doing of which will drain him to the point of nearly losing consciousness. Treants have great strength and are hard to kill, but are extremely slow. Exact stats depend on size, shape and species of the tree. [B][U]Equipment[/U][/B] Organic axe – Finrohir’s axe, which was created from the Heart Tree together with him, is entirely made of a bone-like substance. Due to its size and weight, it’s practically unusable for a human. The bone is as strong as steel and seems to be alive, as it very slowly repairs itself when damaged. By default, the weapon’s edge is blunt, but it can transform into a sharp edge or back within a few seconds at Finrohir’s command. [B][U]History[/U][/B] There once was a race known as the Dankael, who lived in hidden societies in forests far away from the civilized world. They were only half the size of a human, and shared the characteristics of several animals as well as humanoids. For many centuries, they lived in harmony with nature, separated from the outside world. That all changed when the outside world found out about them. The discovery of a new race drew the interest of a lot of adventurers and scientists, but also of the more unsavory folk. It was soon discovered that the ancient trees the Dankael worshipped were hotspots for mystical energy and that the wood of such trees would be priceless in the right hands. When the Dankael refused the outsiders permission to harvest the trees, many of the outsides retorted with force. Over a short period of time, several of the great trees were cut down as the Dankael were forced to retreat further inwards, towards the center of the forest. The humans were twice their size and armed with bronze and steel, so the Dankael stood no chance of defeating them in combat. Every day since the onslaught began, they prayed to their sacred trees for help, until eventually something happened. The Heart Tree, the largest tree in the very center of the forest, began morphing and deforming, until a creature unlike any other emerged from inside. Without hesitation, the creature set out to defend the forest against the oncoming invaders. The beast fought tirelessly for several days, but only killed its opponents when absolutely necessary, until each and every human that would do the Dankael harm had fled. In the days afterwards, the Dankael discovered that the creature knew nothing of himself or the world around him, only that it was his duty to protect the place he was created. He had no name and no memories from prior to his emergence from the Heart Tree, yet he knew how to fight and to speak the Dankael language. Due to his lack of a name, they began calling him Finrohir, the Dankael word for Protector. Ever since that day, Finrohir has been the stalwart protector of the forest and its inhabitants, never doubting the purpose for which he was created.