Zeto had been picking up a Quarian suit signal the entire time. As a medical officer, she had a program made for detecting when any suit came close just in case it needed to adjust suit parameters to apply advanced medical care. But the Geth had been blocking her at every corner. So she had spent the signal's approach trying to hack through to the communications to warn them. It wasn't easy, but she finally broke though in a choppy voice. Tali was the only one who heard it, but she spoke up. "Commander! I have contact with a survivor. They say Geth are just past the door!" It was true, the knocking had made the Geth take positions for an ambush. They were waiting for them to enter. They had orders to kill the human spectre from Saren himself, so they were ready to do so. Tali continued to listen. "She is saying that the numbers are twenty to thirty and she is the only one left. I can barely understand, but I think there is only one survivor Commander. The Captain."