"Damn, babe." He chuckled. "Sorry, just trying to make some friends, weirdo." Travis didn't really understand why she got upset but he didn't really care. He looked suddenly over and saw a girl drop her cards and a man come into the room and try and help her pick them up. Travis knew this wouldn't be normal, but he was trying to make the best of it. "Where is the person running this meeting?" He really was wondering because he wanted to get this over with and get home before his dad got angry." I got things to do and places to be." Travis was eyeing everyone else up seeing what kind of people had shown up after his encounter with 'snappy' sitting next to him. A kid, a pretty chill looking asian guy and then the thug who had bothered the girl with the cards. "Damn, this is a strange group." Trav said aloud to himself.