Reiko bent down and picked up her shinai. At least it wasn't broken. Just carrying it was helping her nerves. The rest of the group...well, those whose insides were still inside them at least, still looked anywhere from shaken to paralyzed with fear. The girl who claimed to have been here before - what was her name again? - said they would have a long journey ahead of them. Putting her shinai over her back and through her shirt to hold it in place without needing one of her hands, Reiko said "If we've got a long journey ahead, let's get going. Sitting here scared won't do us any good." She was still kind of scared herself, but she was at least carrying her shinai now. She figured, as long as she had this, she could at least try to fight. Knowing that alone at least did a good number on her fear. Then there was another girl. Smaller than herself, and clearly younger. The one who had called out to Reiko by name when she'd been tossed by that Friagne thing. She knew the girl's face, but not her name. She'd seen the girl at practice for the kendo club, so Reiko at least knew she was a club member. She seemed locked in place, no doubt from what she'd just witnessed. No point in moving on if they left a living person behind. At least, that was how Reiko saw it. If this girl had been the one to die, that would be one thing. But it wasn't that thing. This girl Reiko was vaguely familiar with was alive, and to her, that was what mattered. At the very least, she could try to train her to help out defending the group if it came down to it. Reiko made her way to the girl in question. She was pretty sure she'd heard the girl's name mentioned at least once before, but couldn't remember. Admittedly, she was a bit of a slacker as far as club presidents went, so it would kind of make sense if she forgot another club member even existed if she didn't personally know them. Making sure her shinai was in a position where it wouldn't fall through her shirt, Reiko picked up the club member she couldn't quite recall. If this girl wasn't going to move, Reiko would simply move her. "It's time to move on," the kendo club president said, partially to her fellow club member and partially to the one who had all the knowledge about this place. "You said it yourself; this won't be quick. Let's get started."