Gavril was silent that night, then again the man always seemed to be increasingly silent, maybe it was because he didn't like to talk or maybe it was because he could feel the evil already around this place. The fact that this town was called paradise made him almost skeptical, never in one place had he felt such a presence of evil not even back in homeland of Transylvania. That was saying something honestly, that this kind of evil energy was worse then his homeland, born in to the life of a Demon Hunter, Gavril was no stranger to large amounts of evil all around him, and his homeland was covered in it, however for as long as there was life in his lands, there was always a demon hunter to protect those who were innocent and to fight the tides of evil. But here... it was like a cloak of darkness had been thrown over this town, and dark cloak that could not be penetrated even by the eternal light of God himself. When Gavril had heard of the evil amassing in the northern continent, he knew that it was his destiny to come here, the signs were all too clear, but now it seemed like that perhaps it was a bad idea to come here, he held no fear for creatures of the night, for he himself had the cursed blood of the vampire in him, but his caution none the less was there. Making his way through the empty and cold streets Gavril slowly made his way into the old saloon in the center of town. Looking around idly the place was completely empty which was not a good sign. There was only ever two explanations for such and empty town, the first was that everyone in the town was dead or dieing or two, they were all too scared to even exit their houses at night. Walking up to the wooden slabbed bar, Gavril took a seat quietly, reaching across the counter he plucked a bottle of whiskey from the shelf along with a shot glass and set it on the counter. Popping the top off the bottle he poured himself a small shot and set the bottle aside. Raising the glass Gavril took a sip from the glass. ~[i]Gavril . . .[/i]~ Gavril heard the disembodied voice but he did not turn nor did he try to locate its source, it was better that he just decided not to ever search for it. The voice was something only Gavril could hear, a voice that only came to him when incredible evil was present. Some would say it was a warning, some would say it was the voice of God, but Gavril himself always thought that perhaps it was the voice of his mother watching over him. ~[i]Gavril... there is great evil here...[/i]~ Gavril took another sip from the glass of whiskey, the voice was right this place was teeming with all kinds of dark energy. Perhaps he should just leave and leave this place to its fate. Gavril knew that some fights were useless in the end, sometimes it was just too late to save a town that was too far in the darkness. As a Hunter you had to accept that some places were too far gone to save and that was a truth that no hunter could deny. However... there was something different here, an deeper meaning to this evil, something even darker in the night here that was present, and that was what stayed Gavril right now. Such evil was not easily found or stumbled upon, which meant that he truly was destined to come to this town. ~[i]Gavril... There is only death here... leave...[/i]~ Gavril down the rest of the whiskey in the shot glass as the voice then became silent after that, looking up in the mirror across the bar, Gavril could barely see his reflection upon the surface, but even in the mistiness of the curse he bared he could see his red eye glowing back at him, and his blue eye that was right beside it. A good and an evil, a life and a death, Gavril would not leave just yet, he would not leave this town to its fate if there was anything he could do about it, to stop it. Getting up from the stool in the Saloon Gavril made his way back out to the street and walked the rest of the way to the Church where he knew the old preacher was waiting. Walking up to the old picket fence Gavril walked through it, slowly he turned his head and saw a man sitting on the fence a short distance away, however he was not evil from the feel of his energy so Gavril turned his attention back to the church and opened the doors walking inside. The preacher was near the front of the church, Gavril merely walked to the front of the church and approached the preacher, looking at him the Preacher would no doubt see the red glowing eye in his head but that was unavoidable. In an deep accented voice Gavril spoke to the man for the first time and possibly the last, "Hail Preacher my name is Gavril, I have come to help..."