[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/blondes/Valroya_zpsb9d05e6d.jpg[/img] VALROYA MANCINI 58 years old 26/01/1087 Valroya works as an entertainment host for the second network channel on television, B.B. Entertainment. While Channel 1, BelTV, focuses on the news and events that are happening worldwide, B.B.Entertainment is all about the more enjoyable things of Wiz. a n g e l i c is a regular on B.B Entertainment and many of his concerts are streamed there, along with talent and fashion shows. And because Channel 2 is only available in the rich districts of Wiz, Valroya is sent to many vacation resorts around the world to promote them. He has also done detailed tours of the South and East, ones that lasted months at a time, showing the people of the Main City the wonders of the outside world, without ever leaving the comfort of their home. However, Valroya is purely in it for the money and hates having to go to poorer countries for the sake of others. But if there is one thing he loves more than money, its the fame that he receives from his shows. On top of being a nephew of the King, his shows have gained him alot of popularity, as well as many admirers. Being the 4th child out of 15, Valroya grew up detached from his family. He avoided his siblings as much as he could growing up, believing himself to be way above them, and barely managed to tolerate his parents. He moved out of his parent's house at the tender age of 17, not wanting to be in that hell house any longer, and he used his inheritance to buy a home for himself. He learned how to become a hairdresser over the years and started working in a high fashion hair salon when he was 25. When television was invented, he quit his job as a hairdresser and begged the network to let him become a presenter after he noticed how much attention his brother-in-law's brother, Krizzly, was getting from anchoring the news channel. Valroya's greatest wish in life was to be noticed and it seemed that the best way to accomplish that was through tv, where thousands of wizards could see his face daily. With his charismatic charm and beautiful features, it was easy for him to snag the job and he's been doing it ever since. Valroya has a son, whom he hardly sees and left with a nanny at a young age. He was never what one would call a [i]family man[/i], even before he was burdened with the responsibility with fatherhood, so when news came to him that Edel had passed and he was the only kin the child had left, he freaked out. He immediately hired someone else to take care of the child for him and went off to pursue his dream in television. Now that his son is old enough to take care of himself, Valroya sometimes drops by to say hi and catch up, but never stays long enough to be a father. It's not that he doesn't love his son, but he's so wrapped up in his fame and fortune that giving it all up would be impossible. The few times that he does settle down long enough to be with Valiance, he treats him like a friend rather than a son and is basically 'the cool dad'. His second son was born a few years after Valiance, but this time he knew about the pregnancy from the start. The child's mother, Ambrosiya, worked with him so the two had no choice but stay in contact with each other during the pregnancy. When his son was born, Ambrosiya immediately gained custody and raised him under her roof. Valroya got to see him every now and again, like during holidays or work parties, but just like with Valiance, Valroya had no intentions of being a proper father to him. [hider=Family & Friends] [b]Ancestor[/b] - Valhalla Mancini [b]Grandmothers:[/b] Via Valiant - Valkyrie Shari Mancini Via Valyn - Diora Umali Solae (Nyxus) [b]Grandfathers:[/b] Via Valiant - Valdmar Shakkir Mancini (Xuen) Via Valyn - Dios Umair Solae [b]Mother[/b] - Valyn Dionysus Mancini (Solae) [b]Father[/b] - Valiant Dionte Mancini [b]Siblings[/b] - Valentine Mancini, Valora Kristabelle Mancini, Valtreks Mancini, Valor Mancini, Valdeimos Mancini, Valencino Morgen Mancini, Valhallen Mancini, Illias Valserys de Montesquieu (Mancini), Vallix Mancini, Valerik Mancini, Valente Mancini, Valis Mancini, Valereon Mancini, Valerio Mancini, Valcyon Mancini [b]Children:[/b] Via Edel Gwerthwen - Valiance Mancini Via Symphaerie Zylan - Valaiah Mancini Via Ambrosiya Sanna - Valerius Mancini [b]In-Laws:[/b] Via Valora - Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini (Glenadade) {brother-in-law} Via Valencino - Valancy Morgana Mancini (Day) {sister-in-law} Via Illias - Illiana Valorris de Montesquieu {sister-in-law} [b]Nephews & Nieces:[/b] Via Valora Kristabelle & Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini - Valhero Mancini, Valexander Mancini, Valalee Mancini Via Valtreks Mancini & Sofia Amara - Valenna Mancini Via Valdeimos Mancini & Raava Rixore - Valrose Mancini Via Valencino Morgen & Valancy Morgana Mancini - Valstell Mancini [b]Uncles/Aunts:[/b] Via Valiant - Bellona Valentia Black (Mancini) & Belzeneff Black Via Valyn - Dionisio Areat Solae & Diomira Arella Solae (Kaitou) [b]Cousins:[/b] Via Bellona & Belzeneff - Belladon Black, Belladonna Black, Bellerophon Black, Bellisiah Black/Furei Justus, Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belial Black, Bellakane Black Via Dionisio & Diomira - Dior Solae [b]Friends:[/b] Edel Gwerthwen - One night stand Symphaerie Zylan - One night stand Ambrosiya Sanna - Ex-lover and Co-worker Krizzly Glenadade - Co-worker [/hider][/center]