[hider=Amaya Nori] Name: Amaya Nori Age: 26 Gender: Female Gift: None. Birthplace: Shard 32 Profession/Rank: Freelance Kensai Piloted: Zero-Kira Affiliations: Arlanian Empire Physical Appearance: Amaya Nori has an unusual mix of asian, and western features as she is half japanese, one quarter chinese, and one quarter Russian. She generally wears an impassive expression, rarely showing surprise, or anger. Although she isn’t especially tall at 5’ 3.5” she walks with a straight military stance which often leads people to believe she is taller, or at least more imposing than she is. Although her face leans more towards the ghosts of her Russian heritage her hair is blue-black, and straight her eyes slanted and exotic, dark, clear and enigmatic. Her figure is fairly slight and muscular due to the rigors of her military training, although she doesn’t look like some of the military pilots, who imitate bodybuilders or thugs to appear tougher she’s still not someone you’d want to try to fight in hand to hand combat. There are a number of scars on her body, the most prominent of which runs across her collar bone, there are several others on her right arm near where her prosthetics begin. Clothing/Armor: Although Amaya Nori is loosely affiliated with the Arlanian empire she primarily acts as a terrorist attacking UN Kensai within their own territory, as a result she does not have any special military uniform and instead will typically wears civilian clothing. Although previously she was more comfortable in a doctor’s lab coat, now Amaya Nori wears it only rarely, when required for her to fit in as she feels she is no longer worthy to wear something that was previously a symbol of healing after having killed so many people. Instead she prefers a simple black shirt with long sleeves to hide the point at which her prosthetic arm begins, and black pants. Rarely, if ever, will she wear anything revealing as she would be unable to wear her body suit under it. she does not have any heavy body armor but does wear a body suit designed to prevent shrapnel injuries should her Kensai sustain damage, it will also potentially slow, or stop sharp force weapons (depending on the strength behind the blow), and may prevent lower caliber rounds from penetrating, but is not a stand-in for body armor by any means as the internal damage could still be very significant. The body suit itself is skin-tight, made of several extremely thin layers interwoven cloth. This was originally developed from the CIA combat suits used be Kensai pilots. While not as effective as the original, it still provides basic protection, Amaya will typically wear this at all times as it is one of the few types of protection which can be concealed under clothing without being noticeable. Weapons: Amaya Nori’s prosthetic arm isn’t exactly a weapon per-se, it does however enhance and augment her tactical capabilities as it is able to interphase with and enhance operation most conventional weapon systems. For example, while Amaya Nori is firing a weapon the arm will automatically attempt to compensate for recoil to maximize accuracy and fire efficiency. Similarly a microcomputer implant in place of her left eye allows for her to have the advanced targeting usually only available to Kensai computer systems. Her prosthetics are also able to interphase with the Kira directly. Finally, the arm also contains a hidden blade, which Nori can use for self defense in close quarters, the blade has one straight, and one serrated edge, once deployed the blade has to be removed, and replaced as the mechanism locks to prevent the weapon from slipping during combat. Anti-Materiel Rifle: All Tactical Agents in the CIA carry Anti-Materiel Railguns, larger and heavier than a standard sniper it’s designed to take out Kensai by penetrating the armor around the cockpit to allow for execution of the pilot. Equipped with a high accuracy holographic scope, the weapon is integrated into a tripod system designed for stabilization during fire, and while it can be carried by a single person it must be set up before firing to ensure accuracy. The weapon uses an 8 round cartridge, and fires bolt-action style with a charging time of around 15 seconds between shots, the rounds are high explosive armor penetrating used by CIA black-ops. SMG: Similar design to a P-90 this SMG is fairly compact with a 50 round magazine and a shoulder strap, it has semi and full auto firing, and comes equipped with an optical scope for high accuracy over a longer range than most SMGs, it also comes fully equipped with a suppressor again CIA black-ops issue. The weapon comes with a smart-chip and will lock if anyone aside of Amaya Nori attempts to fire it. Pistol: Finally at her hip she wears a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol, the magazine carries 16 rounds although the pistol doesn’t look as sleek or fancy as her other weapons it’s durable and accurate ideal for personal defense which is why she keeps this weapon on her at all times. History: Coming soon with Kira/Zero bio. Other: N/A [/hider]