As Ghost looked at the others, he realized something: they all were willing to give away their lives so that others could live. A smile appeared on his face as he stepped out of the shadows and sat down at the fire, if this was his team then there woudn't be any problem at all... They would all give their lives for one another and that is how this group will defeat those Vygorns. He just sat there, listening to those who were talking, he wasn't in the mood to say much more, for he felt that something dark was brewing behind his eyepatch, and he needed his strenght to fight it off. He didn't wanted to change without being able to control himself. If Ghoat stood too long in the darkness, his dark side would rise up and try to take control... Wich Ghost never liked at all... [b]"I am going to sleep... I'll see you all at dawn for when we'll leave to save this goddamned world..."[/b] As Ghost stood up from the group, he felt his crimson eye burning, instead of going for one of the beds at the end of the cave, he walked outside, for he had to lose his darkness before truelly falling asleep. The moment he felt the air brushing trough his hair, he grabbed his sword from his back. There weren't any trees he could swing at so he just had to imagine it, imagine that there was an enemy standing in front of him, and that he was in a real fight. He moved his hand for a moment, as a dark grim shadow rose from the darkness, holding a blade in his hands. Ghost smiled as he started to fight his own creation to gain control back over his body.