[center][B][U]Arkaeis[/U][/B] - [I]Avatar of the Living Abyss[/I][/center] His observation, as it always had, paid off quite nicely for moments before movement the man's muscles tensed, before releasing. Energy was transferred and Arkaeis' orb began expanding at roughly the same speed that James began moving, and just a millisecond beforehand. The man's trajectory, not to mention the shifting positions of his bodily movements, were followed, noted and adapted to at tremendous speeds. Thus, the moment James' proximity to the antenna belied an obvious result, Arkaeis needed only to predict and adjust accordingly. The man had, prior, glanced at the orb in his hand, and had briefly reacted as if he'd have to defend against an attack, one that had not come. The man had not made any effort, or shown any sign, that he intended on killing him, and Arkaeis was noting the position of his body as he readied himself to throw the antenna. To him it was all rather telegraphed, even if only minimally so. Thus, the moment that James' body was in position to throw, the sphere coated Arkaeis' hand and forearm in layers of repelling voidal energy, obviously charged negatively. It had manifested in this polarity and liquid state, so there was no need to alter it immediately. He waited till the makeshift spear had traveled approximately 1/4th of the distance it was meant to till he turned his body sideways, his right arm still shrouded in void. Due to the speed of the antenna it would reach just before where his shoulder would've been moments before just as his hand slid into position, allowing the metal pole to slide right through his fingers. The void's repulsion would move opposite to the direction that the antenna was moving, slowing it greatly till Arkaeis' hand made direct contact with it, stopping it in its tracks even as the polarity reversed, becoming attractive. Thus the antenna was stopped dead with Arkaeis' hand directly in the middle of its length, the attack neutralized completely. Tilting his head slightly, Arkaeis' smile dipped somewhat, his expression becoming a modicum more serious as he considered how to proceed. [B]"That was not intended to be a killing blow,"[/B] he stated bluntly, as if to make it just slightly more apparent how far he was capable to read into people's actions and reactions. [B]"I think you greatly underestimate my ability to prepare for a myriad of possibilities, now, if you intend to impede me further, then I must inquire upon you name. Of course, to be polite I will tell you mine first."[/B] He made no movement beyond what he had done to stop the antenna, with the exception being that he appeared to relax slightly, not that he had been all that tense throughout. [B]"I am Arkaeis, and you?"[/B] Should James make another move, Arkaeis would react as needed, but for the moment he would observe.