Welcome to the Out Of Character thread of Saving Grace! Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable for the journey. I shall be your Host and Narrator, Doll! First of all, you may wonder what kind of rp is Saving Grace, right? Well, you shall be enlightened on this and many other things pertaining to how to play this game of mine shortly! First of all, Saving Grace is a Traditional Roleplay, that means that the entire thing is guided and narrated by someone, and that someone helps the roleplayers, in that case you, to have the most immersive and enjoyable experience possible while taking on the role of their character. That does not means that I make all the decisions, far from it, I am merely a guide and impartial judge for what will happen, as each tale belong to their player, after all! What I will do will be creating areas and event and populate the world with monsters, merchants, animals, objects allies, enemies and anything else that will be needed to bring this growing world called Ernestia to life. That does also mean that what happen to your character and his or her descendants rest upon you, so be careful in your dealings, at least until you manage to make your character reproduce successfully! Now the world you will start to inhabit will be called Ernestia, a vast land full of treasures and perils where, on it's southern part stand the small Lund Valley, the cradle of your first character's legacy and bloodline. Lund is a remote place, sheltered at the feet or two tall cliffs on the eastern and western sides and by a vast lake on the south. The north is an ill tended road through the mountains, the source of the small river bisecting the small territory being said to be a great glacier on the frozen northern peaks. There is a few villages and settlements to be found there, and you Founder, or first character, will be originating from one of these small communities. When it comes to your first character, you want to start small and unskilled, as the remote location of the valley does not make impressive individuals, this will come in time. A suggestion would be something along the line of a struggling farmer seeking to broaden his lands or even a thief trying to become an upstanding citizen. Small steps, in other words. This roleplay will be separated first in Chapters spanning each generation from adulthood to death, and will be further divided in days and finally in six different times, those being: Early Morning, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening and Night. Each time, itself, will mean one major action, with each post being a round. This thread will be vital for this endeavor, for here you will be able to request special events, from more random event to the rather precise Meeting Event, when your character will meet another, similarly to the usual Friendship and Romance events they will routinely encounter, the later, of course, needing to be met through some more or less stringent requirements first. Here is the current events you may encounter as of now: Meeting Event: Meet either another character or a NPC depending on choice and current availability. Friendship Event: Befriend an NPC. Romance Event: Romance a NPC, enough of these could lead to marriage and/or the furthering of your Bloodline. Combat Event: Fight another, that they may be human, beastly or monstrous. Profitable Event: Look into getting richer! Social Event: Get that smile into gear and you may go far in these events... or end up an outcast... Household Event: Look into making yourself a palace... or at least a decent shack. Personal Events: These will further your character's goals and personality. Now that that's done, it is time for rules: Keep things PG-13. Be polite in the OOC. Post at least one paragraph, preferably two or three, furthering the events your character is undertaking. Have Fun! That wasn't so hard, was it? It's now time for the CS! Here it is: Bloodline Name: Character Name: Character Starting Age: Appearance: Personality: Hometown: (Create a community in basic strokes here, I only need the basic, we'll flesh everything up in play.) Best and Most used Skill: (Is your character a good blacksmith? Does they know their way around the mountains? Post the more important and most used skill of theirs here.)