"Well, kind of," said Rafael, while his partner sat down finally. "I was thinking more about what makes you you. For instance, I was raised by a single mother, after my father started to abuse her. She ran away from him and raised me on her own. I was raised on the west side of Chicago, in an Italian neighborhood, despite the fact that I am half Mexican and half Irish. I always did well in sports and school, eventually majoring in criminal justice in college and I speak fluent Spanish and Portuguese, which is part of why I was able to get into the FBI. I like chili con carne, the Chicago Cubs and old movies. My favorite book in Tom Clancy's The Hunt for Red October. That sort of thing." He knew he hand thrown a bunch of facts at her, but figured that something would stick, if he threw spaghetti against the wall. Something would resonate with her, and they could form a conversation from there. If he was wrong, he might have turned her off to conversation, but it was to late to take back what he had said now.