Name:Alex Steinfield Age: Alex is 32 Gender: Male Appearance: Alex stands a bit shorter than average, his shoulders are broad and his build is extremely average, if not on the slightly pudgy side. He is slightly tan, due to his background and not any exposure to the sun. He has thick black hair in waves that seem like they should have already been cut. His eyes have noticeable bags under them and his nose is a bit wide looking. He has a strong, square jaw line, covered with little bits of hair. His eyes are a dull brown and he seems the type to blend in with a crowd. Personality: Alex isn't the most social person, it isn't that he is unfriendly, far from it, he just doesn't seem to be good at approaching people. He usually has a kind word to say about others, and the opposite for himself. He talks mostly in his head, preferring to not make a fool of himself. Reason for being invited: A writer for a famous cartoon "Splat" Bio: Alex grew up in a relatively normal family, he went to school and became what he wanted to become. Other: Has a noticeable stutter. This seems super cool! Truly interested in the possible dynamics.