Hello, I am inquiring to find a few good writers on here to role-play with. I am very active, and I check the guild every day. I only do descriptive style high-casual to advanced RPs (leaning more to the advanced side), but all I ask is for good quality, and literacy goes a long way with me. Quality over quantity is preferred. I recently started a new rp saga in the advanced section, but things are getting off to a slow start, leaving me with nothing to look forward to. As I said, I am very active and I like to post a little something everyday, or at least three times a week. I usually do themes that are dark in nature and mature. I play both male and female genders. I don't really get into the whole smut thing, though I don't mind doing sex scenes. I am hetero, I don't mind female on female but no male on male, just cant do it. Don't have anything against it, to each their own, but it isn't for me. I can't stand teeny bopper type genres or fandoms so please don't ask ( glittering vampires make me nauseous, I think I am allergic) . I like to do original rps with original characters only. I am also an artist and I love to add visual aids to my rps (original work when I have the time, especially when I really get into a story). I do a lot of work with graphite, ink, and recently watercolors. I also do a lot of work with photoshop (currently learning). I used to frequent the guild a lot, before the crash. I have been roleplaying since the late 90's. That's right kids, I'm in my thirties. I have been roleplaying online since msn had free chats and groups, up until I found the guild. [hider=Samples of my artwork here] [URL=http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/caseyr1226/media/68979d3a-d6dc-4028-877d-d46f03ffa232_zps3aeac378.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a510/caseyr1226/68979d3a-d6dc-4028-877d-d46f03ffa232_zps3aeac378.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/caseyr1226/media/b1799485-0636-4b27-be6f-c81aa6a00c13_zps8263f817.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a510/caseyr1226/b1799485-0636-4b27-be6f-c81aa6a00c13_zps8263f817.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/caseyr1226/media/887fd056-ebcb-4757-807e-37d3e456c39e_zps9bb42bc7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a510/caseyr1226/887fd056-ebcb-4757-807e-37d3e456c39e_zps9bb42bc7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/caseyr1226/media/32fcae32-3eaa-44e2-962c-c13b053e5d70_zps1431543d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a510/caseyr1226/32fcae32-3eaa-44e2-962c-c13b053e5d70_zps1431543d.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] My interests are as follows: [indent]Medieval era Steampunk (recent) Vampire (glitter free) Victorian era WWII era Post apocalyptic Alternate history High Fantasy Resistance/War[/indent] Dislikes are: [indent]High school Fandoms Romance (when it is too thick)[/indent] I recently had an idea about two characters who are in a sanitarium around the 40's, who develop a relationship, mainly in passing and during common free time together. They both suffer from some type of mental condition, i.e. anxiety/depression, delusions, hallucinations, a cutter maybe, or someone who is suicidal, alcoholic or drug dependency, that sort of thing. Not sure if anyone would be interested, just throwing it out there. In the past I usually did fiction type high fantasy type characters, a lot of vampire rps, things of that nature, but I have recently wanted to delve into more real-world, down to earth type characters (trying to broaden my horizons). I usually go more for character growth and development, relationship building, bonding type rps, and I tend not to go for a lot of rules or a set plot. I like improv, and I feel as though I get more out of that than a set plot. If you are a seasoned role-player then I shouldn't have to explain what the general rules are. Not using information that your character isn't privy to is one of my pet peeves, controlling another persons character, things of that nature I frown upon. SO with all that in mind, please hit me up asap, I'm in desperate need.. Thanks, [indent]Casey[/indent]