The two brothers had honestly drifted apart. The last visit having been the most awkward ever especially with that damn annoying familiar of his. Dante didn't even know what it was meant to be. Most familiars took up the shape of some animal meant to represent their Master or just any animal in general really, but Dante was fairly certain that he had never seen an overgrown purple rat with curled up ears and large bug eyes that honestly freaked the shit out of him. Especially when it stared at him when he slept and kept on talking in what he considered was a high pitch squeal. Silencing any attempt to start a conversation made by either him or his brother. Piping in at the worst moments, with the strangest things. Eventually, Dante had given up on any hope of reconciling with his long unseen brother, and any hope of getting a good night's rest and just stared up at the ceiling until sleep finally dragged him under. When he woke up, grumpy and irritable in the morning, he had been in such a bad sleep deprived mood that he barely talked to his brother at all. It wasn't like they had much to talk about anyway, sharing had faded into a thick line between their lives. Each falling to deeply into a net of their own different groups of friends, different schedules, different periods of rest and exhaustion. Their parents were barely the same anymore to either of them as well. Always finding reason to praise Sterling regardless of whether he was there to hear it or not. Dante had certainly been there to hear it and though he told himself time and countless time again that he was not jealous, he just couldn't help but grow irritated with how often they were ready to wave some fancy magical telegram infront of his face that commended his brother's 'excellent talents' in the art of magick. So he wasn't exactly sure how to feel as he stared at himself in the mirror. His hair, the deep brown auburn, yet his skin nearer to the colour of ash. Green eyes that mirrored his brother's own once, now red rimmed and the pupil horizontal. He looked like a cat if he had to put a word to it, a predatory wild violent cat. Though perhaps he should be grateful that not much had changed about him. Aside from fangs that he constantly seemed to cut himself on, oh and the sudden heightened senses that constantly had him tripping over things or retreating into his room and tying a pillow around his head. He had had bad depth perception before, seeing things that were far away really didn't do anything to aid it. He just hoped he wouldn't make a fool of himself going to class, especially hearing that...Sterling would be his teacher. He was no doubt one of the oldest going to the school, it was going to be awkward in a basic class with people younger than him. Sighing, he wondered if his brother would even recognize him. Probably not, since he barely recognized himself. Taking up his luggage, he bid a goodbye to his parents before he caught the train to his Uncle's mansion and his new home. ------ "Having fun so far, teacher's pet?" Vincent asked, slinging an arm around Sterling's shoulder. Wearing his newest teacher's shirt composing of his own casual clothing. "Finally we get to give out grades to people, not to mention punishments." He joked with his friend as they loitered in the empty classroom.