-it's still quite early months since the settlement was established, maybe about three months in, so supplies are still pretty sufficient. There's also a small vegetable patch in the farmhouse garden, and a few chickens are kept for eggs but since the farm is running low on grain they've been culling the chickens down one by one and pretty soon they'll just have to kill off the lot. The best likelihood for a sustainable living is the sheep, Barrow Crook has a flock of 97, and spring will be approaching, since the sheep don't really require any man-made feed and can just graze for sustenance it's a pretty renewable food supply. There's a brook that runs just out beyond the electric fence to the west of the farm but now and if you follow it it leads into a pretty large river that can fill several cannisters with water, but since it's outside the farm it can be dangerous and since you can only carry so many cannisters you'd either have to make trips back and forth constantly or ration the water you've collected. -Missions outside the farm do happen, to collect wate and patrol the area, but the group will occasionally roam into the town nearby, the farm has a range rover that is starting to run low on petrol, that you can use to drive in and out of town quickly. You can also go to the forest that borders the farm beyond the west electric fence to collect wood and berries. i kinda really want the rp to focus on the feeling of being isolated from the rest of the world and seeing how that effects your characters, also the technical owner of the farm, Olivia, is pretty intent on order and fortifying the farms defence rather than making the area larger, which is something that can create conflict. -Interaction with the undead will vary, again, since the rp will draw on the theme of isolation, the farm is also in an apt location for avoiding the undead, being in the middle of the countryside and being miles from the nearest town. However, there will be suprises, which at the moment I'm saving for the rp.