[I]Im pretty hyped for this roleplay! It actually looks really really really cool. Anyhow, if anything is too extreme or i needa fix somethin up. Ill do so straight away! [/I] Humans: [B]Name:[/b] Avo Cassandra [b]Age:[/b]17 [hider=Our fine young hero][img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/164/f/7/noblesse_by_sawitry-d7m7uhi.png][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Avo, although gives off the image of a kind young man, he is really a bit of a hesitant coward who wishes to step his foot into the dark.. He was raised to be that of a everyday hero. Treats others with respect, go out of their way to be nice and help out, those kinds of things. These are things that Avos knows he should try to embody and spread. However Avo also wishes to see what it is like to do the opposite, he has some very strong urges to do so, but due to the morals hammered into him he just can't bring himself to the plate. His curiosity, hidden desires, and moral background clash. Its as if invisible shackles given to him by his previous society keep his actions in check. [b]Clubs:[/b] Isn't a part of any, but visits and eavesdrops on random clubs when he is in need of something to do [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Grimdark? More like Grimbark like a treedog hahahahahahaha. Contract [b]Name:[/b] Kuk [b]Type:[/b] Egyption God of Darkness and Chaos [b]Personality:[/b] Kuk tries to spread obscurity and hate through Avos, but is often frustrated by his choices. However Kuk is obedient to Avo and is eager to see how the partnership will end up as the contractor ages. Kuk is also always willing to participate in trouble-making and doesn't usually take anything too seriously. The God is a bit less talkative than other contracted, but is quick to mock Avo and those around him. [b]Powers:[/b] Is able to manipulate and create 'Chaos' infested shadows can be used a bit like [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telekinesis] basic and advanced TK[/url]. [url=https://31.media.tumblr.com/bb082f4c8c5488374e4df0ee64812e25/tumblr_n736jxrK7B1qagaoco1_500.png]Fusion[/url] His Chaos Shadows potency is doubled. [url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/2ad8689dbfe61785f8b70078f301f687/tumblr_n6wwbbBCS61r426wco1_500.jpg]Summon[/url] Potency is boosted tenfold. [i]There ya go! How is it?[/i]