Having witnessed the abnormal act, Meagen and the rest of the girls hauled Tina up and dragged her out of the classroom. They would try to pin the blame of the burn marks on Zendra later that day, only to be told off by the Principal to stop making up wild claims and stories. When Ariel looked into the eyes of that fiery creature, she saw her own hunger and instinct reflected right back at her. For a brief moment, her dead heart actually skipped a beat and her face flushed with embarrassment. Wasn't....wasn't it supposed to be the opposite way around here? Clearing her mind of such thoughts, Ariel crawled over to where the back-to-normal Zendra now sat and hugged her tightly. "Don't you remember silly?" The angel's voice was soft and quiet. Best not to completely reveal the truth though. Ariel still didn't know what that thing was or if it was a threat to her Zendra. "You saved me." Ariel rubbed her cheek into Zendra's stomach to try and heal the blow Tina had landed earlier. A low mewling sound erupted from Ariel's throat as she closed her eyes to savor the moment. "You saved me..." she repeated.