Jake took a deep breath. He was hoping the old man would be able to help, but the years of prison had taken their toll. Time to make the best of a bad situation and man up. "Okay, here's the plan," Jake spoke up, maybe a little less than confidently. "Most castles have a back entrance for emergency use in case of war. This particular castle is built on top of some big caverns, but I'm not sure if they actually lead anywhere." Jake guessed the caverns were there because the atmosphere was a tad more humid than most castles, even evil, dank castles hosting a mad sorceror-king bent on conquest and genocide. There was the problem of no breeze coming from the lower levels, which wasn't encouraging to find a way out. "If that doesn't work, the other solution is straight up - right into the guards and garrisons. Still, it's possible to avoid most of the guard until we manage our escape. "Reno, I want you up behind me to cover my back. You with the sword... Taran, right? How good are you with that thing? I want you watching our backs in case something comes up from behind. I doubt there's anyone here with a working brain besides Ol' Horny Toad himself, but best not to take chances. Everyone else, stay together, and be on alert." He turned to lead the way. As they worked their way up the castle's levels, Jake's stance was different. Calm, quiet, eager... like a predator stalking the hunting grounds. The castle was old and its passageways myriad and well-trod, but Jake had a hunter's instinct. He could tell by experience which corridors were recently or commonly taken, and where to expect guard outposts. For his size, Jake was surprisingly quiet and stealthy. For now, though, they needed to find Hen Wen. Jake lifted his finger to his lips, and listened carefully for the squeals of a pig. He made stops to listen every few rooms or so.