No sooner had Cain spoken than small, upright streaks of bright green light began to pulsate around where Frore stood, becoming more and more numerous and thick until Frore was almost completely veiled by the strange little beams. Members of the crowd gasped and shouted in alarm. The guards fell back, urging others to do the same and fearing the worst. Sir Halbert, however, stepped closer, tightening his grip on his blade and raising his shield whilst the wind picked up, causing his velvet red cape to whip around behind him. “Farore’s Wind,” the fairy’s voice whispered lowly, as if merely a breath on the breeze. Suddenly, a blinding pillar of green light flared around them with a long, high pitched chiming sound. The crowd shielded their eyes from the intense green ray, which swelled and then began to rapidly shrink in circumference—ultimately disappearing to reveal that the large cloaked figure had completely vanished without a single trace.... In a deserted corner of Kakariko Graveyard, the green beam flashed into being—unseen by those in the village but possibly visible to any lucky folks who liked to [i]climb and sit atop tall windmills on hills...[/i] as well as any who were in the graveyard. Such as the young couple who were getting frisky in the very same secluded corner. The young woman jerked away from the pucker faced boy and let out a terrified holler as the light began to appear. The young man let out a high pitched squeak before the pair untangled themselves and ran clean out of the graveyard. Alone at last, the green light faded away and there stood the cloaked Chilfos. Lethe flew out of Frore's hood and hovered before him—and also Cain, unbeknownst to her. “I have to admit, I wasn’t really expecting a verbal answer when I asked you that question,” Lethe cocked her head to the side, crossing her arms, “That's a pretty incredible talent you have there, Cold One...." She squinted at him skeptically, pondering how a being with no tongue could speak so clearly. And why he hadn't used that voice to defend himself when the guards were confronting him... not that it would have done someone of his kind much good.