"The Hydromancy did its job, then." Kasumi replied, letting out a soft noise that could barely be considered a chuckle. The hue of one of Kasumi's lockpicks shifted slightly as the Mythin was recalled to its relic, and Kasumi then released it again, now a Mythari. She gave off no physical response to her happiness at its evolution, but her demeanour did indicate that she enjoyed what she perceived to be a great success. Kasumi and Shio were probably both at very similar levels of fitness - though it seemed that Shio was more of a runner, while Kasumi had been trained in being as agile and dextrous as humanly possible. She had never learned to sprint as quickly as she should due to her magical abilites having been useful for keeping her out of trouble that she'd had to have sprinted out of before - if she was ever caught in such compromising positions. That was a rare occurrence, and it only usually happened when one of her marks or her mark's associates had the gift of Perfect Sight. Agility always came in useful in those situations. "If you want to combat a Hydromancer, force them to move around. There are tells if you know what to look for. I'll teach you how to deal with them, if you like. Provided that you swear fealty to me, of course. I can't have my own secrets used against me." Kasumi laughed - at least briefly - before looking somewhat seriously at Shio. The proposition had initially formed in Kasumi's mind as a sort-of joke, but as the words had left her mouth they'd taken on a seriousness - and Shio would never have understood the joke anyway. It was an interesting option to consider - an alliance between the two could bear interesting fruit, but a lot of things depended on whether or not Shio wished to be shackled down. It was hardly offensive to refuse service to a greater family, after all...