"So you've got [i]no[/i] other way for me to get in?" Wisp asked dubiously. [i]"Well, there's a balcony on the eastern side, close to the lobby. They probably have it open for the smokers,"[/i] came Seeder's response. "Sounds like a plan to me." Wisp slithered over to the side of the building the balcony was supposedly at. Looking down, she could see just as Seeds surmised: smokers. Scaling down it slowly as to not have anyone look up and spoil her surprise, she caught sight of the barrel of a rifle. All at once, she about-faced and headed back to the roof. "No go. Guards on the balcony. *Sigh*...Guess I really don't have a choice now," Wisp lamented. She took to the back, jumping off the building and floating to the ground. She took her phone, her camera, her cigarettes, and everything else important from her utility belt and placed them into the soaked pockets of her cargos. Thankful that she had the foresight to put them into plastic baggies. Afterward, she took her crowbar from her back and tossed it into some nearby hedges, following with her belt. Taking a deep breath, regretting having to get wet again, Wisp collapsed her bubble and let the rain splash down on her again. Couldn't make it too obvious that she had powers. Until she was inside, that is. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to resort to her powers at all. Just get in, talk to Ms. Carver, and get out. Simple. [i]Just like last time.[/i] Wisp sneered underneath her facemask. Nothing was ever simple anymore, and she had a feeling that this would follow the trend. Wisp rounded to the entrance nonchalantly, despite being soaking wet. Ugh, there was a line. Wisp walked for what felt like an eternity to get to the back of the line as the rain poured down upon her. At least the wait would give her some prep time. "So Seeds," she spoke into her phone, the other ball-goers ignoring her as they did much the same, "What can you tell me about Ms. Carver? Anything special?" [i]"Just the same old story everyone knows. Entrepreneur, beloved face of the people. She's always been pretty smart, apparently. Nothing specific in the Wikipedia article, but she has multiple degrees in engineering and science and... Hold the phone... Her first husband died under mysterious circumstances. Apparently it was a big deal at the time. It allowed her to inherit what became Carver Industries, and she was the prime suspect for a while until everything just... stopped. They stopped investigating and all charges were dropped."[/i] "Spooky. Anything else?" [i]"Just the robot stuff from the other day. You know about that, right?"[/i] "Uuuhh..." Wisp hesitated. [i]"Y'know, this crime fighting thing doesn't work if you don't watch the news once in a while."[/i] "Less talk more rock, geekbait. Gimme the details." [i]"Carver Industries just unveiled a new Terminator I-wish-I-mean home security slash personal assistant that you can apparently live out your iRobot fantasies with if you're rich enough."[/i] "I saw that movie. No idea why Shia LeBeef was there. Whole flick coulda done without him. No, seriously, that'd be pretty scary if that stuff happened." [i]"I'm not accusing yet, Wisp, just joking. Right now, these are just robots."[/i] "But the military's got'em, right?" [i]"What? Where'd that come from?"[/i] "My dad's in the Air Force. Think about it. This company just came out with a robot capable of doing ordinary human things. You think they'd sell it to the private sector first and [i]not[/i] the military?" [i]"That's... Wow, I'm kinda surprised I didn't think of that."[/i] "Means they might be weaponized. Robots with guns equals instant Skynet. Score one point Wisp." Hope smiled beneath her face mask at the prospect of outsmarting the hacker. [i]"Well, not necessarily. You're being paranoid."[/i] "I'm being [i]bored[/i] so I'm fucking with you instead. Seriously, I'm wet, I'm miserable, I just need something to talk about. Hold up, I'm almost at the door." Wisp lowered her goggles and the bandanna around her mouth and smiled at the mook at the front door. "Kinda wet out here, huh?" she casually joked. "Don't I know it. Please take off your belt, take everything out of your pockets, and spread your arms. Hope sighed, and did as she was told. Of course, he didn't find anything, but he still wanted to give her hell for her paintball vest until she adamantly refused to take it off, claiming it to be part of her costume and he just gave up. Pulling up her goggles and bandanna, Wisp wandered into the main foyer. It was a magnificent piece of work, alright. Fine glass, marble floors, elegant chandeliers, the whole nine yards. Business men and heiresses alike scurried about, mingling, dancing, dining on fine cuisine. It was enough to make her sick. "Damn I hate rich people..." she muttered. The cost of the catering alone could probably... hell, she could probably live off that for a whole year. Wisp meandered about the crowd of the wealthy people of Northport, along with the not so wealthy. At least the ball was equal opportunity. She noticed two things that interested her right off the bat. First, the silent auction. That struck a chord. Not that it was out of the ordinary, just that someone might want to crash the party and steal some of it. The entire event was one big target for thieves, and she'd bet her life savings that someone with talents like hers would try to take advantage of that. Good thing she was here then. Secondly, the platform with the podium. Of course, a speech was in order. And she knew just who would be giving that speech. "Think I might've found her. I'll keep you posted, but stay listening," she spoke to Seeds. [i]"Try some caviar for me,"[/i] he sounded back from her headset before going silent. Wisp hung around for a little bit longer, avoiding interaction with the other ball members and similarly being avoided. Her 'costume' wasn't really something to seek out, and she really didn't want anyone asking in the first place. The gravity-bending heroine decided 'what the hell' and actually took advantage of what Seeds said that she should, pulling down her bandanna and taking a bite of caviar with saltines. She almost spit it out immediately. Fishy, bitter, and vile. People actually enjoy this stuff? She reached across the table and downed a glass of water as Ms. Eudora Carver appeared for her grand entrance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wisp clapped with the rest, although less enthusiastically. That was pretty cool, free energy, and to anyone else it would be but a pipe dream. But not to Carver Industries. She was almost impressed. Maybe that electric bill could go on hold permanently. Of course, not next month. Maybe next year. Still, pretty sweet. She smirked when the carnies came out, swinging from the trapeze on the ceiling, walking on stilts. Amateurs. She'd be cheating, but Wisp could flip circles around any of those yahoos by now. As Eudora descended the steps to mingle with the crowd, Wisp kept track of her and followed. Always a couple of groups away, barely noticeable among the throng of the rich and costumed. She kept a tail up until she found her chance: when Ms. Carver stopped to speak to her loyal brown nosers. Wisp frowned. They formed a ring around her. Like the scavengers they were. Becoming impatient, Wisp approached with a powerful stride that signaled to everyone else to get the fuck out of her way. "Ms. Carver..." she stated, almost accusingly, loud enough to pierce the crowd and draw their eyes. Once full attention was on her, she put up a gloved hand and signaled with her finger. "A word?" she not so much asked more than she demanded. Eudora looked over Hope as she approached, taking in the details of what the younger woman wore to the gala, admiring that she came as a mix between a surf-boarder and paint-baller. Placing a delicate, laced glove on the old bat next to her, the business tycoon stepped away from the small ring of wealthy guests. Taller than Wisp, Eudora approached and opened her arms, gesturing toward the patio balcony the vigilante had previously considered climbing onto. "Care to join me for a breath of fresh air?" She asked sweetly. "Dare I say, you already look like you've been thoroughly soaked to the bone." "Tell me about it," Wisp seethed. She had nothing against the old bag, actually kind of liked her. But she hated being wet, hated waiting, and hated being surrounded by hoity toity wasps. God knew she could go for a cigarette right about now. Wisp decided it best to keep her intentions to herself until they were in a more private setting, and so kept silent, save for her skate shoes squeaking on the marble. The unlikely pair crossed the room side by side, parting most of the crowd on the way as soon as they caught sight of Eudora's silhouette. They stepped past the well dressed security guards who nodded politely, then exited into the crisp night air. It was still raining heavily and a low rumble of thunder greeted them, previously masked by the sound proof building. They didn't speak until well out of earshot of their fellow guests. "What is it that I can help you with?" Eudora asked, breaking the stretch of silence. "Obviously not a question for your college newspaper." The platinum blond host snapped her fingers- an attendant on the balcony ran over with a tray of cigars and cigarettes, lined in rows of varying flavors and strengths. Eudora selected a rather long, thin cigarette from the far end; as soon as it reached her lips, the attendant lit the cigarette and moved the case over for Hope's choice of tobacco. Wisp placed two fingers on the case and brushed it aside. She weren't no charity case. Besides, rich people didn't carry her brand. Prickling at stepping out into the humidity once more, Wisp fished into the pocket on the side of her leg and produced a half-crushed pack of Newports and a cheap Bic Mini in a plastic bag. Pulling down her bandanna covering her face, Wisp cupped a hand over the flame and took a deep, calming drag, breathing the smoke out through her nose to dance in the night air. "You [i]seriously[/i] don't know who I am?" she questioned incredulously. Wisp spun around and hooked a thumb to her custom Double-U emblem sprayed on the back of her zip up hoodie. "Ringing any bells?" she asked again. Even considering the circumstances, the Godmother admired the girl's moxie- she had a spine, that was for sure. When Hope motioned to her makeshift emblem, the businesswoman nodded in understanding. Of course, the young vigilante had been on her radar for the past few days. Ever since Hope had taken it upon herself to search the streets for criminals, the birds that whispered in Eudora's ear let her know a general idea of the girl's capabilities. "Oh, I'm [b]painfully[/b] aware of who you are, young lady." Eudora answered, taking a deep drag of her own cigarette. Exhaling the cloud of smoke into the downpour outside, a flash of lightning lit up the night sky. "Amazing, isn't it? Something that just [i]fell[/i] from the stars being capable of changing so many lives." She looked Wisp up and down, a smile playing off the corner of her lips. "I suppose it was the will of the heavens, who was chosen to be graced with such a dangerous set of abilities." She stopped again for a beat. "Don't worry, I won't be turning you into the authorities, but the public is getting sick of [i]your kind's[/i] little shenanigans across town." Wisp looked up through her goggles at the old lady, her remark striking a chord with her. "They're not [i]my kind[/i]. Just some dumb, greedy motherfuckers who just got as lucky as I did and don't know how to handle it." Her tone of voice annotated her displeasure. So this is the way it was gonna go, even this early. Suddenly people start manifesting powers, and it turns into some 'us versus them' bullshit like that X-Men movie. Well, [i]all[/i] the X-Men movies. Wisp despised it. It was stupid, ignorant, and paranoid, and it was exactly how the masses were going to act. But then again, the majority of people were stupid, ignorant, and paranoid. "So then you know why I'm here?" she inquired, attempting to goad a response from the older woman. Wisp wanted her to tell her as much as possible before she ever opened her mouth. A good poker player keeps her ace in the hole, after all. "Of course, my dear." Eudora answered. "Genetico is in possession of the item that seems to be responsible for everyone's current. . . abnormalities. It was obtained by us and remains private property that we can legally use for any and all research possibilities. In fact, we've officially been designated permission by the government for our work from this point on. As of this morning's absorption of The Tower by Carver Industries, I assumed most of the crazed super heroes in this zip code would be after me at some point." It was hard to tell how much was true and what could have possibly been a lie, Eudora's expression gave no sign of deception or ulterior motives. It was strange that all it took was one question for all of the information to be laid out. The tycoon honestly couldn't remember the last time she had spoken with someone who wasn't entirely a 'yes man' that agreed with her every whim. It was an exhilarating change of pace. "I assure you, if it's the meteorite you're after, I'm afraid it's not hidden away beneath my dress." She added plainly, her light southern tone bubbling up as she crossed her arms playfully. So The Tower was part of Carver Industries now, was it? Interesting stuff. She [i]hoped[/i] that Seeder was paying attention to this conversation instead of his goddamn videogames, but couldn't signal him in any overly obviously way. She'd just have to play this one like the night before. Go it alone. Again, [i]hopefully[/i], tonight wouldn't be as bad as the last one. So what did this mean? Uuuhh... damnit. Thinking was Seeder's strongsuit, not hers. The Tower and Carver Industries popped up in those locations on her map of what she got from Seeds, so either way whoever hired Loche Security to guard the van must be on this same side. Right...? And Loche Security was bad news, so it meant that this was either a closely guarded secret or illegal. But she just said they had government permission. Wisp smelled a rat. And a liar. If they had government aid, then the government would have been involved in guarding the van. Cops or military, not roughnecks. It didn't add up. She was hiding something, but Wisp didn't know what. She'd have to choose her words carefully... "I don't think I [i]could[/i] give a crap about your space rock, lady. It's none of my business, and I don't care. I [i]do[/i] care about someone cutting up about half a dozen people in my city. So I'm gonna be straight with you..." Wisp took another drag off of her cigarette, trying to find the right way to word her next phrase. "So [i]you[/i] have the meteorite, and [i]I[/i] know you have the meteorite. Who else knows? That bank robbery that happened yesterday? Along with the armored car heist? [i]That[/i] wasn't a coincidence. Somebody spent time and resources planning that, especially using a few of 'my kind' to do the job, and it's getting people killed. So who wants it? Don't play dumb, I know you know." Eudora was surprised at the lack of tact and subtlety in the conversation with her young and strong willed guest. She was used to the phrases with multiple meanings and polite hate for one another when it came to the discussions of business meetings. Out in the rain, where she knew no one would be there to quote her for the front page of the paper, she felt completely relaxed in the damp night air. At the most, she was silently shocked that the vigilante had no personal desire to see the meteorite for herself. Of course, this girl was running off of her suspicions, which most likely were painting the Godmother in an unfavorable light. "Controlling fire, moving objects with their mind-" Eudora inhaled her cigarette, her tone still light but avoiding the main question. "Reports of a girl in school who caused an aneurysm in her teacher's brain, a boy who happened to sprout quills during a football match and even a woman in prison who just [i]can't[/i] get a scratch on her. It seems like any of these lunatics with powers could have used them to find out information on me. But there's [b]one[/b] in particular on my radar." "Other than John Bakker, who seems to have skipped the party after our corporate merger, there is one other. So far he goes by the name 'The Architect'." The older woman looked back at the crowd before continuing. "I've been hearing reports on him since the stone arrived and he developed an unnatural obsession with it. It was enough to convince Bakker to employ some extra guards on our behalf and an attempt to distance ourselves from the police force- in case there were any unofficial leaks. The Architect is well connected and looking to get the meteorite for something -I don't know what- but this building was just perfected to keep it safe-" The Godmother cut herself off. It wasn't entirely obvious if she had meant to reveal that the stone was hidden away in the building for better protection. Her eyes didn't seem to confess either way, so she decided to continue the conversation in a new direction. Pausing momentarily, the look on Eudora's face eased away from being so tense as she made sure her diamond covered mask was perfect. "You know, I [i]do[/i] have some spare gowns in my office. I'm sure you could use an evening to meet a nice boy, rather than run around looking like a half-drowned teenager. Besides, a proper lady doesn't wear slacks after five." Wisp smirked at the old bat. Not so difficult after all... but she wasn't ignorant enough to miss all the jibes she was throwing out at her. "I think I'll pass..." she stated in a more lighthearted tone. "Like you said, all the [i]crazed superheroes[/i] in the zip code should be after you, right? I don't think I could kick nearly as much ass in a gaudy little dress." Wisp wandered over to the edge of the balcony, peering over the edge and to the rest of the city. The lights of moving cars through the rain, a rumble of thunder on the horizon. If only they knew how much everything was going to change. With this... meteorite... thingy, and the new superpowers emerging. Nothing would ever be the same. "Frankly, I'd be surprised if I was the only one here tonight." She turned back to Ms. Carver, letting that little idea sink in. She was dead sure she wasn't the only one there tonight. Of course, it was all speculation, but what were the chances? Murphy's Law. Whatever could go wrong, would go wrong. Ms. Carver's statements were a little hard to prove, but they made sense enough, and she [i]did[/i] have the charity work going for her. So that confirmed it. She was more of a potential high-value victim than doing anything illegal. Probably. Whatever, if she wanted to bend the rules to advance her energy research, Wisp couldn't give a shit. Nobody got hurt. And if they did, she could always come back to deliver a firm hand. But right now? All just corporate drama. Not worth her time. [i]Almost[/i] not worth her time. This meteorite and everything involved with it was still a death magnet, and if push came to shove, Wisp would have to get rid of it to stop people from getting hurt. Power did awful things to people. "I'm not trying to grill you, Ms. Carver," she spoke reassuringly, "Truth be told, I kind of look up to you. I went to Jefferson High while you were putting the new cafeteria in it. Hell, I've even shaken your hand before, but I don't think you remember me. You do a lot of good for the city. But this meteorite is trouble, and you know the police can't handle all those other freaks out there. Send a maniac to catch one, y'know?" she joked, quoting one of her favorite Sly Stallone movies. She took a few steps toward the old woman, smoking her cigarette down to the butt, wasting no tobacco from the cancer stick she bought with hard-earned money. "I came here tonight for two reasons: to find out who the ringmaster was that's killing people in my city, and to make sure everyone here tonight was safe. I didn't come to put you to the stake or steal your shit." She walked past Eudora to the Smoke-Out, depositing her spent cigarette within. "And I don't expect you to tell me what the meteorite does, but I have one last question..." Wisp spun around casually, bringing her bandanna to cover her mouth again. "You hired on Loche Security to guard those flash drives. You could've gone with any other private security firm without getting the cops involved, but you went with the shadiest one in Northport. You even hired the Executioner, knowing full well what he's done and the collateral damage he would probably cause. Why? I'm pretty surprised, it doesn't seem like you to take such unnecessary risk against the people of this city, endangering their lives like that. So I'm guessing that whatever Phase Two is must be worth the potential loss of life... or it's illegal. Or you got careless, like people with too much power often get. So why did you hire them and not, say, Aegis Co. or P.D.U.? [i]Respectable[/i] private security firms." Wisp intentionally laid down all her cards at once, attempting to gauge her response against them. She knew about the flash drives, about Loche Security, and had an idea about Phase Two. Know she knew that the meteorite was in the Beacon Research and Development Facility, and that the Architect was her prime suspect. But that didn't answer all the questions. She'd have to see what Seeds had to say about it, but the further down the rabbit hole she went, the more lost she was becoming. "Unfortunately, I had hoped this wouldn't have to come to light," Eudora said, audibly trying to maintain an even tone. "I've known John Bakker for years. We've opened business, joined in on fundraisers and greeted the masses together longer than you've graced God's green Earth. That's why the absorption of his enterprise was a personal and painful situation. . . You see, John's been suffering from increased dementia, paranoia and delusions in the past few months. Recently, it's gotten out of hand." A crack of thunder roared louder than all the others before. "When the meteor struck a week ago, John took a change for the worse. He became reclusive, constantly agitated and convinced that he could trust no one. Since we had equal stakes in Genetico's discovery of the meteorite, he [b]insisted[/b] on taking control of security detail. I was too busy getting the lab ready for tonight and allowed him to take care of hiring our teams. I'm afraid that his choice in hiring so many convicts was something we had to distance ourselves from as a company- as you can probably understand." "That brings up a question of my own." She added, flicking her cigarette off the balcony where it was swept up by the wind and into darkness. The older woman's eyes calculated the young girl through her mask. "How do [i]you[/i] know about Phase Two? Other than John and I, very few people were aware- we're talking out of employees in the thousands. Either you've been part of more than enough illegal acts to find that out, or you've been digging deep enough for some bad people to come after you." Eudora smiled and clapped her gloved hands together. "But I'd like to think that you're a girl similar to me many years ago. Taking the world by the balls because you know best." Wisp sneered beneath her face mask. "A little birdie told me..." she cooed at Ms. Carver, sarcastic in her response. It'd be obvious that she didn't get her information from the usual sources. And yet... she didn't like Ms. Carver's responses. Digging deep enough for some bad people to come after you. Distancing themselves from the convicts they hired. Those [i]weren't[/i] the kinds of things a beacon of light and hope for the city should be saying. Then again, reality was a bitch. How did the saying go again? Never meet your heroes? She'd like to believe otherwise, but... it might require a little more digging. Good thing she had her nerd slash shovel handy. "Oh, I [i]know[/i] I don't know best," Wisp joked, her sneakers squeaking as she waltzed over to the edge of the balcony once again. "But I know good enough not to trust anyone who thinks they do." Wisp turned one last time, giving a half-hearted salute/wave to Eudora. "Good night, Ms. Carver. Hopefully you never have to see me again." And with that, Wisp took a leap backward and plummeted from the building. Her fall was slow and gentle, and her shoes squelched as she touched down to the marsh that should've been a finely manicured lawn below. "Did you get that, Seeds?" [i]"Get what?"[/i] came a confused response at the end of the line. "Oh my God Seeds, you gotta be fucking kiddin-" [i]"I got it, I got it! I'm just messing with you, calm down. So our prime suspect on the hit is some guy called the Architect, Carver Industries is in possession of that weird meteorite that turned everyone into Marvel characters, which is right where you're at no less. John Bakker, CEO of The Tower is suspect for some of this dubious behavior, and he's going crazy. That about sum it up?"[/i] "Almost. They're [i]both[/i] a bit dubious. Carver just kind of... spilled the beans on the whole outfit. Like it wasn't a big deal. And I don't like how she waved off their involvement with Loche Security." Wisp began to wander around the side of the building, focusing to erect her waterproof anti-gravity bubble once more. God, why the fuck did it have to rain today!? Couldn't get wet enough yesterday, huh? [i]"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"[/i] "Break in, take the records, get out? Also quesadillas for dinner," Hope claimed as she snapped her belt around her waist and shouldered her Crowbar of Smiting once more. [i]"Minus the quesadillas, yeah, pretty much. You wanna take the smart way or the hard way in?"[/i] "Which way lets me beat in more faces per square foot?" Wisp smirked. [i]"The hard way. About half a mile down towards the docks. Guard station down there. No civilians, no cross fire. No problem."[/i] "Sounds like a plan. Let's kick this shit!" ----------------------------------------------- As soon as the girl jumped from the side of the building, Eudora's smile dropped just as quickly as her outstretched, waving arm. She took several steps to the side and snapped her fingers at the balcony attendant, who was about to clean the ash stash after each individual guest. "[i]Step away[/i] from that you cow." Eudora commanded, her tone almost unrecognizable in force. Taking the lid off of the brass cigarette stash, the Godmother made sure to grab one of the cigarette packs off of the tray in the same fluid motion. She took the cellophane wrapper off of the cigarette pack and tossed the box away. Using the tip of her gloved fingers like a pair of pliers, she took the only Newport by the singed, smoldering tip. Placing the cigarette butt in the wrapper, she folded it twice at the top and snatched the lighter from the petrified attendant's hand. Singing the wrapper closed in an air tight container, the tycoon turned on her designer high heels and made her way back into the party, a fire of determination roaring in her stomach. "David." She said, catching the attention of the Beacon body guard that was stationed outside the balcony. "Take this cigarette down to the lab. I want to know [i]everything[/i] about this girl by the time the party is finished. Name, birthday, address, parents, diet and childhood hopes and dreams. [b]Now[/b], quick with you." Ushered fearfully by Eudora's expression alone, the intimidating body guard exited like a frightened mouse. Eudora surveyed the sea of faces in the dry, well lit interior. This was an evening that she needed to be on extremely high alert. This [i]Wisp[/i] was going to have wished that cigarette would have been the one to kill her by the time she was through with her.