Bloodline Name: Everlight Character Name: Abbey Everlight Character Starting Age: 18 Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Abbey is often called a "know-it-all" by the other members of her community. She has a habit of acting as if she is fully knowledged about topics she truly knows nothing about, something that often gets her into a lot of trouble. Her father taught her all that he could about leadership before his passing, leaving Abbey alone with her aging mother and their small group. Because of this, she seeks to make a name for herself in the world of Ernestia, and help her clan make itself known for something that she can be proud of. Hometown: A small, humble group, no more than twenty five people could be found here, including Abbey and her mother. The Everlight Clan does not show gender divides: everyone is treated equally and has the same expectancies. Children are expected to be able to raise themselves after 13, whether they can or cannot take care of themselves on their own is a sign of their viability to the clan. If they cannot, then they are "taken care of" with or without the family's approval. Best and Most used Skill: Abbey is very good at negotiation and diplomacy, being the heiress of her small clan.