Going for broke it is! Now, I got a basic origin for these little brats we will go around creating eventually, should this get enoughapproval, this will be the basisof the plot and setting. The start goes as this: Otherwordly Clockwork, with a mix of Lovecraftian inner voice and mechas made of the scrap heap. Our boys (and some of them will actually be girls) will be orphans abandoned at birth in what is called the Ragdoll Ophanage, a desolate place where strange and bodiless beings dwell, taking care of infants in exchange for merging with their lifeforce and thus become truely alive inside their host body. Some are benings in temperaments, some are malicious, but all are unknown in their true intentions. So the Orphanage is actually an old scrapheap in the world this take place, and parts found withing can be learned about and used to make all manners of things, with daily edible trash used as food. The matter is that once each host reach the start of their puberty they feel agreat urge to leave, the inabitants of the Orphanage becoming sinister and worriying to them. Since our characters just reached puberty themselves, it will be time for them to leave and do whatever we choose as a first plot hook. Would that be an interesting base for you all, or should I try again? Tweaking is fine with me, so don't hesitate to nay it or suggest changes. Also, [i]of course[/i] there will be flahy spiky hair involved somehow!