Is this RP still accepting applicants? If so, I have a CS to put forward to apply. [HIDER=Iv Mo Sa] Name: Iv Mo Sa Age: 22 Gender: N/A Race: [B]S'aac[/B] The S'aac were a monogendered insectile species with an average height of 6'0" and a weight of 150lbs. They were technologically advanced enough to augment their bodies with various forms of technologies. 100% natural S'aac were born with dragonfly-like wings that allowed them to hover for extended periods of time, but many had instead taken to replacing their wings bio-thrusters instead. The S'aac, as a species, were fascinated by language. While they had not encountered extraterrestrial life, they had perfected a face-mounted technology that allowed them to 'translate' the world around them, from the languages of their planets native wildlife to even some forms of plants. The S'aac themselves communicate through a combination of insect-like buzzes and clicks as well as [URL=]changing the colour of their bodies[/URL] to express emotions, with the stripes on their bodies representing the lesser of their current emotions and the majority of their body displaying their primary emotion. The S'aac also utilized a form of bio-technology implanted into the upper torso, regarded as an Emergency Resuscitation bio-implant that could regulate heart rate, organ usage, blood flow and induce a form of biological stasis in case of emergency. Appearance: [IMG=] Years aboard Precipice: Newcomer Apocalyptic Scenario: The S'aac world was decimated by a freak long gamma-ray burst, resulting in ozone collapse and cosmic winter. In the wake of this disaster, the S'aac updated their translator implants to also function as exo-masks that allowed for air recycling and purification. This, however, was only a temporary solution to a long-term problem that ultimately ended with their extinction. Abilities: Automatic translation, indefinite hovering as well as the ability to fall safely from any height, automatic assisted resuscitation and emergency bio-stasis, able to breathe in any atmosphere. Skills: Manual labor, languages, stealth. Short Bio: Iv Mo Sa survived largely through scavenging and theft, having been born into a dying world. Iv Mo Sa was largely a loner, which stood in stark contrast to the S'aac mentality of banding together and relying on numbers, a practice Iv Mo Sa avoided because of how quickly such a practice burned through resources. The day Iv Mo Sa was taken by the Precipice, they had been running from a botched theft. Iv Mo Sa had sought higher ground and been greeted by the form of a massive ship that almost covered the sun. Raising a hand to shield their eyes for a better look, Iv Mo Sa was engulfed in light, promptly finding themselves aboard the vessel. Personality: Reserved and Introverted yet playful and loyal when it comes to people Iv trusts, which aren't many.[/HIDER]