Now, before I say "hello" and all.. just going to put out, that my past RP Experience was ghastly, It was hard and I thought that I'd just come out fresh and make a new, Identity. My true self will not be said, for reasons that maybe answered to some whom I know on this RPGuild, those whom know my identity, will not shove to answer it..I believe that RP'ing should be to keep our minds off reality, to let free through our creativity, to explore and leave the real world behind, until the next day. RP'ing shouldn't be about pressure and people arguing over things, if somone has misread something than you don't go ahead and rage or swear your head off, This is a snippet of what was my RP'ing past... I'm new to this site and I hope I have a warm welcome. Anyways other than that I'm happy to say "I'm here to stay" and will be setting up my own RP soon, because of my Veteran skill, I believe I should skim through to see how things work here.. I have taken time to read the rules and conditions of this place, and it seems like everyone here is more laid back than other places. (Sites of "they shall not be named") I hope you guys are happy for a newcomer/veteran.. it has been a bit since I last role played so be wary. Laterz. [Heading has an error.. that was meant to be quite, darnit.. me and my grammar, told you it's been a while]