[quote=Jerkchicken] Which game in particular? [/quote] The mechanics I'm using are a blend of features from the GBA series (Fire Emblem 6, 7 and 8) and Awakening (13). A majority of the calculations I'm using come from Awakening, and I'll also be using the pair-system from that game. But the exp formula from the GBA games is much easier to work with so I'll be using that one, and the newer games do not feature weapon weight, making weaker weapon types such as Swords less effective, so I'll be bring that GBA feature back as well. There will be skills for every class, and promotion/reclassing will work as it does in Awakening. Character creation will be similar to Awakening as well, with Asset/Flaw being settable, but in FEBR your personal unit will be able to use any one weapon type of your choice, which will dictate your promotion and reclass options. I will also be bringing back Light magic and the Trinity of Magic, the rock-paper-scissors between Anima, Light and Dark magics. I've also come up with a Command system that allows players to post formatted orders to their units, making it very easy to convey what you want to do with your turn. [quote=Freeshooter92] I vote Awakening by virtue of it kicking ass. If not that, Sacred stones.Also, Can I just pick ten knights and Not-Die my way to victory? [/quote] You could until my Mage team takes advantage of your low Resistance stat xD. Also high-level teams will be on average 16 units per player. However, no game rules are set in stone, and players will be allowed to set their own conditions upon the battle such as changing team sizes, creating unique game types, and setting different victory/defeat conditions.