"Hm...I rather like this place." Devon made a low sound in his throat, following after the rest of his little 'group' with his pale hands resting calmly inside of the soft fabric of his khaki shorts. The black-haired boy merely wore his usual casual wear - a white shirt, slim black hoodie, shorts, and sneakers. The hood was resting on his head, shading his eyes from the prodding eyes of anyone else, and although the hoodie did a great job of protecting him from the cold, Devon absently wondered why he felt stifling all of the sudden. While he was usually neutral to cold temperatures, he was actually starting to enjoy the frosty, brisk winds that surrounded the 'creepy mansion'. It was all a bit...odd, but not really all that important. He raised a sharp eyebrow at the small hole they had to go through to move through the gate. Of course, the smaller females of their group easily slipped through, but it was a tad tight for Devon. Being the second-tallest of the group, he had to bend down at an awkward level and slip his slender frame through the hole, scratching his bare right leg on the wire, even though, like always, he didn't feel even the slightest sting from the cut. It was something that plagued his life. Instead of feeling pain...he just felt an overbearing, cold emptiness that seemed to flit through his heart. "Freakish..." Devon slightly quickened his pace, catching up to the girls that walked in front of him, although a quick glance behind showed that Chris was lagging behind, doing something weird probably. Devon simply shrugged, turning back around. The door was already beginning to close with an ominous creak, and Devon boredly opened it with a lean leg, his hands still folded lazily in the pockets of his hoodie. For some reason, despite his stoic, dark, and brooding appearance, the boy was feeling both invigorated and creeped out. The cold, empty feeling inside of his heart - something that festered inside his soul for a very long time...well, it was beginning to grow, and while it gave him more energy, it also made him feel more...cold? Emotionless? Dark? Whatever...he needed some time to figure this out. While the others discussed amongst themselves, Devon leaned against the entrance and closed his eyes, mentally meditating. Unknown to him, the crow that perched on the window-sill beside him flew forward, softly landing on the boy's shoulder and staring at his friends with sharp crimson eyes. The feeling of sharp talons in his shoulder caused him to look up, and he raised an eyebrow at the crow, the avian mimicking the boy's movement. He was very laidback, however, and with a shrug he turned his attention back to his thoughts, ignoring the fact that he looked very, very ominous at that moment - standing by the shadow door, his form basically invisible, and a crow with odd red eyes sitting on his shoulders. [i]'Whatever.'[/I] He was starting to use that word quite often.