Donovan Baldur stood confidently in the shuttle, a heavy looking duffel bag hanging from his shoulder. He scanned the room with a slight grin, looking for a friendly face to speak to. Most of them looked at random pieces of wall or floor, avoiding eye contact. He caught a glimpse of a black-haired woman tucked into the corner of the shuttle, eyeing the rest of the recruits like fresh meat for the slaughter. [i]"Hope she's not as bad as she looks,"[/i] Donovan thought as he moved his gaze onward. For a fraction of a second, his eyes caught those of another black haired woman, who had just entered the shuttle. Having gained the excuse to start a conversation, he quickly made his way over to the woman, and greeted her with a wide grin. "Hello there! I'm Donovan, nice to meet you!" Donovan thrust his large hand out for the woman to shake.