[center]Aëyr, selkie. Western Watch Tower. Slippery, Stealthy, Endurance Training; running and aquatic conditions.[/center] --- This was most certainly not what she had been expecting when the girl—Meryl, it would appear—stated an intention of challenging them to a game of chess. Aëyr was decidely less than happy with how this had suddenly turned out. While by no means a skilled tactician, she was even less suited to full frontal combat, and there was nowhere to hide and little room to run. Just as she was hoping to take advantage of a certain loophole imposed by the creator of the game, her companions leapt into the offensive, leaving Aëyr little choice but to follow suit. She would enjoy nothing less than to simply run forward and sweep the little girl into her arms, effectively terminating the engagement. And yet, with the unseen protector lurking somewhere in her presence, and her own less than ideal protection at the moment, she felt it unwise. If she was lucky, her companions would reveal the man's location, so that she could more easily evade him and catch the girl. For now, however, she would do well to fight. Unslinging her sling once more and nestling a round stone into its fabric, she lightly skipped to her left while keeping her eyes fixed on the enemy line, hoping to stay an unpredictable target for the skeletal archers' arrows. Only a couple steps laters, she flattened her feet and skidded her feet to a halt, giving one last swing to her weapon and launching a stone towards the left-most succubus.