Okay in case you ever need another person. Here's a dude. He can be a trainer or sidelined. Either works xD have fun you three ^^ Pokemon Trainers [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/n3b0pz.jpg[/IMG] Name: Hunter Miles Age: 20 Region: Kanto [Hider=Why accepted:] Hunter grew up amongst the a farm full of his father's pokemon whom he had never really met. His elder sister, left on her journey at the traditional age of ten when he was five years old. He received a letter from her every day, and eagerly watched her tournament battles on TV. However, to his dismay her letters suddenly stopped when he was nine years old. Determined to become the best trainer there is in order to locate his sibling, he trained with his father's pokemon before his tenth birthday to prepare for the start of his journey. His very first Pokemon was a Growlithe he had grown up with whom he was not going to take at first since he had already rushed out to grab his starter pokemon, a bulbasaur, Together they battled through the region, defeating each gym with a breeze and making their way to the championships. Along the way, raising a abandoned Eevee and wash as bored Lapras whom both ended up wanting to travel with him. Using four of his pokemon, Hunter became the champion of Kanto at a mere ten years old. However with no sign of his sister, he continued his journey of adventure. After two years as champion, he resigned from the position to join the force and investigate those who done wrong to both people and pokemon. When visiting the Kanto region, he investigated a case on a strange boy being pursued by a odd organization. After saving the boy from them, it was revealed that the boy was a shape shifted Latios who has been attempting to evade his pursuers while also trying to find a Latias. Eager to help, Hunter explained he was also searching for his sibling and offered The Latios to join him. Agreeing, they continued their journey in pursuit of the dark organization around all the regions. All things took a turn for the worst when Hunter reached fifteen. After successfully chasing out a group of the dark organization from an abandoned factory, Hunter and his pokemon worked on rescuing captive pokemon from inside the factory, in which was set for destruction as a way to delete all useful information. One Pokemon remained in the building and Hunter went to save it on his own while his pokemon assisted guiding the other pokemon to safety. A Honeedge was stuck under some rubble and Hunter quickly tried freeing and carrying the pokemon out to safety. However, he was too close to the entrance as the detonator went off and the building collapsed, trapping the two under. Hunter had shielded the pokemon the best he could with his own body, and the price caused severe damage to him. Losing his right eye and arm, Hunter was forced to quit the force and remain in the hospital for physical therapy. After three years, he was released and he went to study about being a Pokemon Breeder. Continuing to train and grow his Pokemon as he went if he desired to continue to pursue in being a Pokemon Master. Now twenty years old, he was invited to the Manda region for his exceptional skills as his once youthful championship, and his bravery and strength in the law for the good of pokemon and people.[/hider] Pokemon: [hider=appearance][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/118fvdc.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Arcanine Nickname: Archie Gender: Female Item: Assault Vest Ability: Intimidate Adamant and strong willed, Archie is the pokemon Hunter grew up with and they have never parted. She is quite friendly and playful but is pretty serious and protective of her team. [hider=appearance][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/10fq3pk.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Jolteon Nickname: Jazz Gender: Female Item: Safety Goggles Ability: Volt Absorb Energetic and easygoing, this fun loving eeveelution hardly ever stops moving and is always eager to play with others. Often enjoys teasing but also enjoys good competition and is always ready for a battle. Abandoned by her former trainer, Hunter found her starving as a Eevee tied to a post in a alleyway. Once he gave her food and shelter, she happily followed him wherever he went. [hider=Appearance][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/dwcpl0.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider=Human appearance][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/14soaig.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Latios Nickname: Altaire Gender: Male Item: Soul Dew Ability: Levitate A timid individual, Altaire is a bit quite and reserve, avoiding those he does not know and often hiding himself when he spots a stranger. Still he is friendly and kind hearted and is quite affectionate to those he trusts. He has the ability to shapeshift into people, usually either choosing his own personal human look, or simply a look alike of Hunter. Despite his timid nature, Altaire was determined to find his friend whom gotten lost during a storm. But it was hard to travel with so many trainers eager to capture him. After Hunter saved him from capture by a dark organization and listening to his goals, Altaire agreed to journey with him. [hider=appearance][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/i1hd9v.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Aegislash Nickname: Battosai (Bato) Gender: Male Item: Leftovers Ability: Stance Change A bit of a cold pokemon, Battosai is a bit unfriendly and maybe a little aggressive toward both humans and other pokemon he does not know. After the abusiveness from being captured, he lacks much trust for others. However he is very much attached to Hunter. As a HoneEdge, Battosai was captured by a dark organization like many other pokemon. But after Hunter risked his life to save him, he decided to repay the debt he owed by staying by Hunter's side. [hider=appearance][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2ngr9xd.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Venasaur Nickname: Thorn Gender: Male Item: Venasaurite Ability: Overgrow A starter Pokemon to Hunter, Thorn is one of the Pokemon to be with Hunter since the beginning. Pretty laid back, he's quiet and mostly seems to just relax when not battling, a gentle giant one could say. Once he's in battle however, he's fierce fighting machine. [hider=appearance][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/288xyko.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Lapras Nickname: Aura Gender: Female Ability: Water Absorb Item: Mystal Water A shy and modest Pokemon, she usually isn't too confident in herself but always tries her best. Much like Altaire, she has trouble socializing but she does make a attempt. Hunter found her one day stranded on a beach after the tide carried her too far off course. After helping her, she wanted to travel with this kind human.