The hooded figure watched and listened to the seemingly small child in silence, ignoring the ball of yellow light that had take to circling him for the time being. While seeing any expression under was impossible due to the shadows that called his hood home, Magus was slightly impressed; While the child had started off as frightened as everyone else who he had taken the time to speak with, she was special in the fact that she rallied herself rather expertly once she started talking. With the wooden creaking that came across with all of his movements, Magus turned for a moment to inspect the elder human that had come to join him at the fairy child's stall about frogs without saying a word before turning back to look at the store owner herself. Hearing the sound of shouting and the usage of magic, Magus sharply turned towards the source, spying the bright glow of... some kind of cloaked ice man vanishing in a bright flash of light... the magic of one of the goddesses it would seem. Narrowing his gaze a little, he turned back to look at the fairy child before speaking in his same, echo like voice. "[i][b]That explosive potion you spoke of might be useful to me. I am here today because someone who is historically hostile to my kind went to great lengths to get in contact with me in order to ask for my help on a matter of urgency that she refused to give details on. I would like to have options available to me should my suspicions be correct and this is some sort of trap."