Hey Mal, let's not forget the Black Hats/Black Council/The Circle have had a hand in events since Victor Sells and the Three Eye gang got started. someone taught him in both his ability and how to make Three Eye in the first place. This could be a potent force to recruit these kids, turn them into addicts, or turn them into rampaging sorcerers with no regard for the Laws. Maybe they don't need to use Three Eye at some point, but it becomes like a magical steroid. Not to mention the foe/sickness from the Outside, and the war with the Outsiders going on. This all could tie in very well. Maybe the ThreeEye starts up again, what with the White Council and others busy dealing with the Fomor and their servitors as it is. Perhaps it would be a good time for Kumori and his companions to start making moves again, quietly, behind the scenes, or perhaps moving this group around?