Sterling, ever easily surprised, let out a gasp of surprise as an arm was draped over his shoulder, only to sigh in relief in realizing it was just Vincent. The two had been friends since they had arrived. Of course, both being talented had much to do with their relationship. They spent free time in class with each other, and caused much trouble. "Silence, fellow teacher's pet." Then with a smirk, added, "Too bad they don't let you play teacher for a little while longer. I love how you're easily fooled." Needless to say, he was nervous. Dante would be one of his students, for a period, and Sterling couldn't be sure he could deal with the awkwardness. They may have been roughly the same age and both magical, but they were not equal. Sterling was gifted in the dark arts, and had trained for years. Not to mention, he had his familiar with him ever step of the way. Breaking away from his friend's arm, though it warmed him, he inched closer to his familiar, now in human form. Either way, the magical creature was cute. Reaching out to finger a strand of purple hair, the boy grinned. "Behave, alright? I.. I trust you, so play nice. Remember you're my teachers assistant so we can't talk during class unless it's a bout a lesson..." And then there was a firm knock on the doors. Excited to see his brother and to embrace his task as a teacher, the mage straightened his vest a final time. A butler came to tell them, "The new arrivals are waiting in the foyer.. Please greet them as soon as you can." Nodding, he grinned to Vincent before walking quickly, just short of running. Hand in hand with his familiar, Sterling hurried to think of a scrambled welcome. "Since you're better at these things than me, mind saying a few words for me?" He requested to the magical boy, just as they stepped in, there there were less than ten recruits, new arrivals. Once was his brother, and, not knowing what else to do, smiled warmly. He didn't notice anything amiss. There was another young man who appeared to be the same age as himself. He had golden blonde hair and sea blue eyes rimmed with a crimson. It was hardly noticeable, though. He was dressed rather well, and he had a slightly somber look to him. "Hello, everyone! My name is Sterling Chartarum. I'll be serving as one of your teachers." He then nudged his now-human familiar with his elbow.