[quote=Doivid] I don't really agree with that premise, myself. It's lame and annoying, but everyone has biases and issues. It's something that they try to be supportive in some way. It's sort of popular to hate on effeminate gays while overall being cool with same-sex attraction, so a lot of people just kind of go along with that. It might be more accurate to say they just don't like obnoxious/in your face people, which gays can also be. But yeah, don't think it makes him a 'no true supporter' type deal. Just one with blind spots. [/quote] Fair enough in that at least their somewhat supportive. It could be a culture difference though but I personally find the effeminate gays tend to be more liked/popular among people than others. They may also get bullied more often than gay people who aren't that way though, but that's largely due to the fact that their sexuality becomes more obvious by how they are effeminate. But when you get a known masculine gay man compared to an effeminate gay man both will be picked on equally, but the effeminate typically having a bigger crowd of friends and popularity among the rest of the student body. Though it is worth nothing that this is strictly experience from High School, in my two years of college I have never once seen a case of Homophobia take place. I know it happens, but I've never been witness to one so I can't report to the general culture/behaviour there. Also, my High School constantly got sexualities wrong anyways. They thought I was Gay (I'm straight) simply because I wasn't constantly staring at or hitting on girls in the school.