Aiko watched Greg carefully as he accepted their offer and sauntered over, plopping into a swing next to Kenji. He was certainly very noticeable; the color of his hair stood out in a crowd, as had been proven earlier, and he was quite tall, with a face you couldn't really forget. A decidedly foreign-looking face. This certainly made an interesting audience, Aiko decided with a grin. Telling herself that she really needed to get into it now, Aiko dipped her head in a deep theatrical curtsy. "Absolutely free entertainment this afternoon, no strings attached, mmkay? So both of you just sit back, relax, and have a good time." Having finished her vocalizations, Aiko skipped straight ahead to the intro of the song she had in mind, weaving the tune with vocables to set the mood. Ending the last, low-sweeping note of the introduction she lightly closed her eyes and began with the sombre notes of a ballad, some cheesily sad song about lovers having to break up or something, the usual subject of sombre ballads. Although she personally found the entire thing very corny, she put an effort into making it sound sad and tear-jerking, maybe [i]too[/i] much effort to some people. Aiko was a very dramatic person, and she took pride in that as she walked around the area with blue notes tumbling and floating from her lips, her arms waving around in the air with every emphasized word, every lamentation straight from the heart of whatever depressed singer wrote this stuff. It was all a little over-the-top, though it couldn't be denied that Aiko [i]did[/i] have talent, and maybe she could be just [i]way[/i] too happy with that sometimes. +++ Fantasy Sky Breaker himself didn't seem very thrilled by the whole ordeal, but at least he made a point. Startled by her own forgetfulness, Crisis Sonata immediately lowered herself in a long, deep bow, saying, "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Crisis Sonata!" As she stood back up, she gave Breaker a mischievous side-glance. "And yes, it [i]has[/i] been a long day, though enjoying or loathing it [i]really[/i] depends on your outlook on life, don't you think so, Breaky?" At the mention of the Negative Midwinter's Envoy brought along, Crisis crossed her arms, a finger tapping. "Well, yes, we could see that," she said, sending a sharp sideways glare at the man skulking at one of the room's many doorways. "In that case, though, were you the ones who shot it down? We'll have to thank you immensely for that." After an obligatory declaration of hospitality from Quicksilver Seraph, Ironclad brusquely took her away for a bit of a "private talk." Shrugging nonchalantly, Crisis turned to face Breaker with a smirk. "What a fancy place, eh? Makes you feel like a little itty bitty spot in a huge wide world." She glanced at Ironclad and Seraph, engaged in deep conversation. "Though it looks like [i]someone[/i] doesn't want us snooping around. Oh well. [i]I[/i] still think we should grace this lovely castle with our presence for a little longer." Without waiting for a reply (more of a retort, really, knowing Breaker), Crisis bowed to Seraph and Ironclad again, now that they had come out of their little secret talk. "We appreciate your hospitality," she said. "Even if Breaky here is in such a rush, I think it'd be a waste not to take up this offer. Isn't it a long walk home, Breaky, wherever that is? I think we ought to take a rest in these lovely people's home, since the opportunity so graciously stands before us anyway."