As the music died down, Morgan looked up towards the balcony where the band was being conducted by the Purple Piper, and luckily seemed to catch his eye as he turned to view the party down below. She gave him a quick nod, so that he was aware she would be coming to meet with him and then set her attention back on the crowd before her. It didn't take long to weave her way through the crowd of attendants, most seemed to barely even notice she was there, to the staircase that lead to where the band was set up. Morgan didn't bother to see if anyone was following her, as she knew many of the people gathered were much more interested in their own business, than that of a medicine woman, even if most of them recognized her at least by name. There was no rush to reach the top landing of the staircase, so Morgan took her time on each step, slowly rising to the top. As she reached the landing, she looked around, observing the beauty of the architecture, and then her eyes landed on him. His almost smug face was glancing across the balcony at her, having not moved from his spot at the front. Another nod from Morgan was all it took for the Purple Piper shift his weight and return to standing upright, before carefully walking across the area towards her. She moved to meet him part way, and as they met, she was the first to speak. "Good evening Purple Piper, the Trade of all Jacks. I hope I find you well this fine evening." Morgan gave a slight bow of her head in his direction as she greeted him, showing a sign of respect to the man.