[img]http://i.imgur.com/P4YXqzD.png[/img] [b][u]Tagress: Outskirts[/u][/b] “T-t-t-t-t-t!!” Trent’s eyes bulged wide, his feet taking uneven steps backwards, his grip on the boarig slipping loose until it popped out of his hand and made a mad, frenetic dash away from Trent, and into the nearest bushes. The boarder, left oblivious to the creature’s escape and instead completely focussed on the individual in front of him. “You’re almost there…” The voice replied. “Ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti…!” “Warmer, warmer…” “TIBERIUS REX!” Trent screamed an ear piercing screech. His hands clutched his cheeks, and he began to hop up and down on the spot as he took in the giant man’s full appearance. Tiberius grinned at the much smaller man, taking confident measured strides forward… until Trent was suddenly upon him, circling the Guild Leader about. [img]http://i.imgur.com/LaeXGP5.png[/img] “Oh my gods I can’t believe this it’s Tiberius Rex oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods!!” Trent was in full fanboy mode. During his stay at the Tagress Hospital, he hadn’t seen Tiberius once – on the day the Guild Leader arrived, Trent had been busy trying to escape from the brutal Head Nurse and her ass shot syringe of death. And in the interim month, Tiberius had made no further appearances – instead the man had been busy with a variety of duties. At the time he visited the Pride earlier, as they were being discharged, Trent had already vanished, and so now was the first time the two had properly met. And Trent, with all of his love for famous, legendary Guilders… he could hardly contain himself. “Oh my gods I can’t, I can’t breathe, I just… TIBERIUS “THE WOLF” REX!!!” Trent started fistpumping madly at being able to see one of his heroes in the flesh. Tiberius meanwhile, just looked back not knowing what to think. The adulation was of course nice, but… “You’ve really been taking your vitamins, huh?” Tiberius’ face recoiled when Trent’s hoverboard was suddenly thrust into his face, inches away from colliding with his nose. Over the top of it… a marker pen, and Trent’s sparkling eyes. “Please give me your autograph, Mr. Rex! Pretty please!!” A laugh escaped his lips. “Sure, Trent, sure…” After a quick, ineligible scratch of an autograph was marked onto the board, Tiberius urged Trent to calm down and take a seat next to him. Tiberius had left the Pride with the promise to visit them later because he was actually looking for Trent. He had business with them. And Trent could hardly believe it when Tiberius told him as such. “M-m-me?” Trent stammered. “You were looking for me? W-w-why? Did I get in trouble again?” Tiberius reared his head upwards and laughed heartily. “I don’t know. Did you?” “N-n-n-no! …I don’t think so?” “Don’t worry, kid, I’m just messing with you.” A meaty hand clapped atop the Boarder’s shoulder, knocking the wind out of him. “Actually… I was looking for you because I need you to do something for me.” Trent just stared back, looking through space. And then: “ME?! DO SOMETHING FOR YOU?!” A cocky grin was returned. “That’s right. I know all about you Mr. Walker, how you’re searching for that pair of neko thieves… I can admire that. I won’t be stopping you, but… if you’re interested… I also have a mission for you…”